30/07/2021 - The most popular DeFi application of the TRON blockchain [EN] -[IT]

in Italy3 years ago


[EN] - On July 30, 2021, according to DappRadar, the DApp monitoring site, the most popular DeFi application of the TRON blockchain is JustLend

[IT] - Il 30 Luglio 2021, secondo DappRadar, sito di monitoraggio delle DApp, l’applicazione DeFi più popolare della blockchain di TRON era JustLend

source: https://dappradar.com/rankings/protocol/tron/category/defi

Lately I have been increasingly interested in DeFi on TRON and I am monitoring the various DAPPs dedicated to DeFi built on this blockchain. On June 21st the most popular TRON-based DeFi application was Justlend and today Justlend is always in first place. The second place changes and is occupied by Golden Egg who moves from fourth place to second place. In third place we find SOLE which remains firmly in third place. The news are in fourth and fifth place where ISwap and NutboX are placed respectively, which sees for the first time in the top5.
Justlend is referred to as TRON's first official DeFI platform. Here, users can deposit cryptocurrencies and earn interest.
Golden Egg describes itself as a platform to make DeFI simple where staking is done with a simple click.
SUN is defined as a suitable platform for TRX staking to participate in mining and earn SUN tokens.

TRON is today a fast blockchain that for now has given few problems regarding transactions. DeFi on TRON could find fertile ground to develop.

Have you already tried any DeFi applications on the TRON blockchain?

Previous posts

Ultimamente sono sempre più interessato alla DeFi su TRON e sto monitorando le varie DAPP dedicate alla DeFi costruite su questa blockchain. Il 21 Giugno l’applicazione DeFi più popolare basata su TRON era Justlend ed oggi Justlend è sempre al primo posto. Il secondo posto cambia e viene occupato da Golden Egg che passa dal quarto posto al secondo posto. Al terzo posto troviamo SUN che rimane saldamente al terzo posto. Le novità sono al quarto ed al quinti posto dove si piazzano rispettivamente ISwap e NutboX, che entrano per la prima volta nella top5.
Justlend viene definita come la prima piattaforma DeFI ufficiale di TRON. Qui gli utenti possono depositare criptovalute e guadagnare interessi.
Golden Egg si descrive come una piattaforma costruita per rendere semplice la DeFI dove lo staking si effettua con un semplice click.
SUN viene definita come una piattaforma adatta per lo staking di TRX per partecipare al mining e guadagnare token SUN.

TRON è ad oggi una blockchain veloce che per ora ha dato pochi problemi a riguardo delle transazioni. La DeFi su TRON potrebbe trovare terreno fertile per svilupparsi.

Avete già provato delle applicazioni DeFi sulla blockchain di TRON?

Post precedenti


Thanks for sharing these applications, I have not tried them yet but I have them in my sights. Saludos.

I believe that sooner or later they will become commonplace, especially Justlend

Thanks for sharing about DeFI Tron.

I already have Tronlink Wallet. I'm learning a lot how to run this application. Because I don't have enough capital, I haven't tried many things.
I find it strange, when I see in my wallet there are PAL token and FREE token. The tokens showed itself to my TronLink wallet, even though I never bought it.


Screenshoot My TronLink

In my opinion you are right to use Tronlink. By having Tronlink you can also receive airdrops of new projects and these airdrops arrive directly on TronLink. This is exactly what happened to you too.

Hi @stefano.massari , for now i'm just piling up and going real slow, slow slow, slow and slow :)
Happy Saturday, better to smile so as not to get frustrated

We have to be careful and cautious with the blockchain, however I believe that Tron could be worthwhile in a few years. On the DeFi it is strong and above all it works.

devo mettermi li a provare con le DeFi

Si, la DeFi è una delle grandi opportunità che offre la blockchain

Thanks for sharing

thanks for stopping by. I believe that we need to monitor TRON, it is a good blockchain and currently in my opinion it is undervalued

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