Architectural Photography - Mosque

in Italy12 days ago (edited)

Architectural Photography - Mosque


Today, the atmosphere is very special. I decided to take some photos of the mosque during the celebration of the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. The mosque that I visited was located in the city center, and since morning, the area around the mosque was filled with a lively and colorful atmosphere.

When I arrived at the mosque, I was amazed by the decorations that decorated every corner. There are beautiful twinkling lights, brightly colored fabrics, and fresh flowers that add to the beauty of this place. The sound of chanting dhikr and prayers filled the air, creating a calm and solemn atmosphere.


I started taking photos. First, I photographed the outside area of ​​the mosque against the backdrop of colored lights hanging along the entrance. Then, I entered the mosque, where the congregation gathered. I caught the moment when they sat close together, looking intently following the lecture. I also photographed the children who looked happy wearing new clothes, and the warm atmosphere of eating together.

One photo that I like the most is when I captured a group of adults sitting solemnly in congregation in the mosque. The soft light of the lamp shone on them, creating a very calming and spiritual effect. I feel very lucky to be able to document these precious moments.



Today was truly a special day. Seeing how people celebrated the Prophet's Birthday with such enthusiasm and love made me appreciate the values of values of togetherness and religion. I am very happy to be able to capture these moments and hope that these photos will always remind me of the beauty of the celebration of the Prophet's Birthday.


Regards @sisol


Memperingati maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW adalah sudah menjadi tradisi mayoritas muslim di Indonesia, terlebih di Aceh.

Banyak macam acara biasanya dibuat bertepatan dengan momen maulid ini, seperti ceramah, perlombaan dan makan-makan.

Yang terpenting menurut saya adalah bagaimana kita meneladani perilaku Rasulullah SAW, baik hubungannya dengan Allah, dengan manusia, dan dengan makhluk-makhluk lain.

Saya melihat mesjid di tempat Anda itu bentuknya mirip dengan Mesjid Raya Baiturrahman, hanya saja ini versi mininya.

Unik ya, saya belum pernah kesitu, kalau boleh tahu, dimana itu lokasinya Bang @sisol?

cc: @wakeupkitty @mikitaly @jiya99

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A super comment and with that you are a great commenter. I learned something as I read you. Don't forget you upvote those you left a comment.


Terimakasih bg, itu merupakan salah satu masjid yang ada di desa kami kecamatan Nisam Kabupaten Aceh Utara.

Upvote akan membuat orang lain tersenyum, mengapa aku bisa melupakannya, bodoh sekali..

You took some great shots. Especially the second and last one with the sky is awesome. It looks very powerful.
It's interesting to hear you like the one where people sit close while the first thing I see is the beauty of the roof and the sky .
I wonder where this mosque is located and if you can tell something about the year it was built.

Altogether you wrote a great post

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