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RE: DIGITALY #7 - Official Magazine of the ITALY Community / Rivista ufficiale della Community ITALY

in Italy10 months ago

Alhamdulillah, so good to see myself winning 10 steem. Thank a bunch dear Italy community for appreciating my work most of the time.

This week digitaly magazine had an awesome individual to arrange the interview whom I personally like so much. She is my dear friend Miki, our experience with steemit at the very beginning was same because we were lost and we had so information about the platform specifically. But now newbies can easily get the right track faster.

Sorry that @hotspotitaly experience such worse in this platform but each mistake is a lesson so I'm sure next time he will be alert.


Thank you, @shohana1. 🥰🤗
Now, newcomers are welcomed and advised, a help that didn't reach us a few years ago..😉

Always my pleasure honey! 🥰🤗

Newbies are lucky but we took lots of time to figure out how steemit works!

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