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RE: Un Addio Caloroso a Curione Live

in Italy3 years ago

Hi, hope you don't mind an off-topic question. Now that your community has been experimenting with @penny4thoughts for a while, do you think that it has had an effect on quality engagement?

I was just looking at posts in the #penny4thoughts tag, and I was happy to see that there are none with zero comments, and it definitely seems to me like it's drawing decent engagement into #steemlinks. So I'm just curious if there's a noticeable difference in the Italian community.

Anyway, my gratitude for the Italian community's continued testing of the service. I actually have a couple ideas for enhancements bouncing around in my head that might eventually make it even more beneficial to the Steem ecosystem.


Of course I don't mind, Steve! You can write me anywhere, anytime!

Yes, I have noticed that not only within the penny4thoughts experiment, but in general, people are starting to upvote comments more. I think it's a kind of reciprocal effect, as a result of people seeing their comments appreciated, they in turn appreciate and reward the comments of others. A couple of Members, like @mikitaly, use the experiment often, and she promotes it, so others do give it a go.

I went and had a look as well, and you're right, all posts are in the + with comments. I think the increased value of the @penny4thoughts upvote is also a positive influence, and so far I have not seen any abuse of that. I think we're on a positive course, Steve. I would love to hear what's bouncing around in that mind of yours!!!

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