Is everything in life predetermined?

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Whether everything in life is predestined is a complex question that religion, philosophy and science explain differently. Some people believe that our lives and every event in them are predetermined, while others believe that we have free will and shape our lives through our decisions.

Religious perspective: Many religions believe that some parts of life are predestined. In Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, some events in human life happen according to God's will or forehead. But man is also given free will, through which he can achieve his own karma.

** Philosophical Perspective: **Some philosophers believe that all events in the world are the result of a cycle of cause and effect, which is preordained. Some philosophers, on the other hand, believe that humans have free will, and make their own decisions.

**Scientific perspective: **While physics and biology explain many cases deterministically, quantum mechanics shows that some phenomena are completely undetermined or random.

Ultimately, it depends on belief or perspective. Some believe that although some parts of life are predestined, man can change his life through his will and actions.

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