Typical Indonesian Matah Sambal

in Italylast month

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To start my information this morning, I will start with where sambal matah comes from. If I told you that the island of Bali has its own sambal, you would already know, it's called sambal matah, or raw chili sauce.

This sambal is usually included as a complement to typical Balinese dishes. But now many food dishes are served with matah chili sauce.

This sambal uses raw and fresh food ingredients, such as red onions, cayenne chilies, lemongrass and also orange leaves. All the ingredients are sliced thinly, then mixed with shrimp paste. They also use vinegar, lime juice and also heated vegetable oil.

Sambal matah is served semi raw and not crushed like salad. As for the taste, don't ask anymore, it's delicious, spicy, sour and fresh. Of course chili sauce makes us want to keep eating and eating, and eating.

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If you look at it, friends, this sambal matah at first glance is like dabu-dabu from Manado, only the difference is that the sambal matah uses lemongrass and doesn't use tomatoes. And usually it will be doused with hot oil. But I'm really curious, how do you make delicious Matah sambal?

"My opinion is why sambal matah is popular, because it's delicious and there are people who are introducing it. Now there are lots of things using sambal matah, including at my place, my steak uses sambal matah. I am because sambal matah is quite good in dishes too, in food Traditional food is also included, western food is also included, because there is a menu, but the sauce uses sambal matah. Then the taste is also delicious, and there are also many benefits from the sambal matah, because all of them are raw ingredients."

Tips for Making Sambal Matah

My first tip is that the ingredients must be fresh. Red onions, then cayenne pepper, lemongrass, orange leaves, lime, then kecombrang, shrimp paste. Well, usually the oil used in Bali is coconut oil.

So if we get coconut oil which is good quality, it is certain that the taste of sambal matah will be really delicious, because the smell is very typical of coconut oil.

And don't stir it using a wooden spoon or anything. Let's just squeeze it, of course our hands have to be clean. Wash your hands first beforehand. We squeeze slowly.

So all the ingredients of the chili matan are mixed evenly, the aroma all comes out.

So, for friends who are confused about how to make Matah chili sauce, try preparing a pen and paper, I will share how to make Matah chili sauce.

How ​​to Make Matah Sambal

  • Prepare 15 red onions, finely sliced
  • 3 cloves of garlic finely chopped
  • 10 red cayenne peppers
  • 3 stalks lemongrass
  • 5 kaffir lime leaves
  • And everything is finely sliced. And don't forget you also need 2 limes taken of the juice.
  • As a complementary seasoning, you need 1/2 teaspoon of shrimp paste and salt.

  • How to load it, mix all the ingredients that have been sliced.

  • Add fine shrimp paste and salt, and stir until evenly mixed.

Don't forget to heat the cooking oil. Mix a little hot cooking oil into the chili sauce ingredients.

Add salt and lime juice.

So, now that we know how to make our own sambal matah at home, it seems very important that we know it is better to eat sambal matah that is cooked or made from fresh ingredients. So what are the benefits for us?

"What's clear is that the raw one is better, because if it's raw, the nutrients aren't wasted much from the chilies, so make chili sauce from chilies. Chilies contain antioxidants, and those antioxidants will be damaged when cooked, especially if you cook them when fried in chili oil. So, that's it. the less healthy it is. The better the raw chili sauce."

Sambal Matah is actually chili sauce cut into pieces, then added with red onions. Well, the bad thing is cooked chili sauce which is oily, the oil used for cooking, that's actually not good.

Greetings always compact.

By @midiagam


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It's the first time I hear this name and see this food, thank you for sharing Indonesian culture

You're welcome, hopefully it's useful🙂

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