Danger of Being Trapped in Debt By Loan Sharks

in Italy7 days ago


Today I will talk about loan sharks. How is this technological progress used by loan sharks by creating online loan sharks? So you can via the internet too. But do you know which language loan shark comes from? Yes, from Dutch. From the word "rent", it's not the person. Loan sharks, like souvenirs, I see.

I am actually very anti to loan sharks. Because in my opinion loan sharks seem to have a reason. And so they always take advantage of the situation. It's like they are always looking for opportunities in hardship, or for example always looking for opportunities in people's difficulties, even though we are all in very difficult times.


For example, this is what I have experienced myself, yes, until now I still don't want to. So, you know, that time I borrowed money from him, I remember it once, that day was Wednesday. At that time I borrowed 250 thousand, because I didn't have any money. Then he borrowed it from me. So, on Sunday, I gave him his money back, I paid 250 thousand as I had borrowed before. Then he said,

"Why 250 thousand? Not that much."

Then I said

"How much is it? I borrowed 250 thousand."

Then he said

"No, brother, you have to pay 500 thousand"

I said,

"How come up?"

Then my sister said like this,

"I already gave my brother 250 thousand, I hid the pocket money, I didn't go, all things, so that later when I charged, I could get double from my brother."

That's my little brother. That means he's a loan shark, right? So I really hate loan sharks.

In my opinion there are a lot of loan sharks.

Firstly, there are the loan sharks who say they say they are like a foundation, but in reality they are like loan sharks.

Then there is also something called pengijon. Did you know or not?

If it's the person who is doing it, it's even rougher, actually. This seems more like farmers.

Then there is another, called Tongol Bank. So suddenly the bank likes to appear in front of you. You know those mobile banks where people carry books. Or more precisely credit.

Be careful, arrogant loan sharks will burn to death.

But the problem now is, friends from conventional banks only, have started to offer. Sometimes we don't want to borrow like that, he calls us to provide a loan.

"You were chosen to get loans like this."

Usually like that.

Now, if we don't need it, what's the use of that money? There are 5 things that we need to pay attention to.

Firstly, people who want to get into debt must because of forced necessity. For example, we don't have the things we need to do, because the condition is forced. That's fine.

Debt is something that is allowed. But best avoided. That's why those who shouldn't be in debt for things that are consumerist, avoid that. If debt is something productive and the calculation is clear, that is fine.

But what is now a problem is that the loan sharks are already in the debt business. Because like this, because debt brings anxiety and sadness at night. And brings humiliation during the day.

People who have debts, especially in amounts which are not small, at night will be dizzy thinking, restless always restless. In the afternoon, when he is doing activities, especially when there are many people he feels have debts, he will feel embarrassed, right?

Secondly, the person who is in debt should have a strong intention to pay. You have to pay, because if there is an intention, God willing, there will definitely be a way.

The third must be written and witnessed. So what is the amount, when it is agreed to be paid, there must be witnesses to avoid disputes later or behind the shop.

Fourthly, the party who gives the debt. It must not take advantage or benefit from the person who owes it. This is the principle of debt like that.

Fifthly, for those whose debts are immediately paid off when they have the opportunity, don't delay. So once you have the money, pay the debt, don't delay.

In principle, remember the New Ton theory. He once said pressure creates style, so so that the economic pressure in our lives is not high, our lives shouldn't be too stylish. A simple life, is the safest.

And if you are forced into debt, this is to avoid and is the safest. Look for debts to people who don't have money. So, be safe, we don't have debt.

That's a tip from me, hopefully those who want to go into debt think 2-3 times about going into debt.

If you don't want to be ensnared by loan sharks, first ensnare your lust for extravagance. Lust prioritizes desires over needs. And if for some urgent reason you can't avoid dealing with loan sharks, as quickly as possible try to get out of their snares, or you won't be able to escape from the chains they entangle forever. Because borrowing from loan sharks the process can be very fast, like turning the palm of the hand. But he can also take lives with one blow.

In religion it is firmly stated, debts and receivables, please help is a good act. However, if it is required that there is an addition in the return, that is already beyond the purpose of incurring debt. The terminology helping means not miserable. Therefore, religion really reminds us that usury transactions are a greater sin than committing adultery 36 times.

Usury, not only causes pity, but also causes disgrace.

Greetings always compact.

By @midiagam

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