📣 ✨THE BEST FOOD 🏳️ POST ✨ 📣 WEEK #72 || Different curries with rice add to the flavor of the food

in Italy2 months ago
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.

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Thank you again to @italygame for running this weekly best food contest, every week through this contest we see different delicious food posts, we are very inspired by the pictures of the food, and through the food we like to eat, wish that We eat new foods.

We Bangladeshi people prefer to eat rice, we Bengalis prefer to eat fish with rice, but if bharta is served with rice, it is more delicious, we feel very comfortable to eat different curries with rice, if the curry with rice is different, then the food is different. Taste increases, if you eat the same type of food every day, the food does not have the original taste.


For this reason, sometimes different flavors should be brought in between dishes, and the taste of the food will be different when the menu is different, especially if there are different curries with rice sometimes, the taste of the food is much higher, like sometimes beef with rice. If the taste of the food will increase, sometimes you have to eat chicken meat, and sometimes you have to eat food with something different, then the taste of the food will increase a lot.

The food pictures that I have shared today,.These pictures are taken from my elder sister's house, we went to my elder sister's house few days back, that day my elder sister prepared different food for us, for breakfast small fish, fried egg and some kinds of food. Had rice with bharta, had chicken with dal in the afternoon, and rice with different types of bharta at night.


Very interesting thing is that breakfast is served on a plate, and lunch and dinner are served in bowls, from these meals the bhartas are very tasty to me, I ate many rice with only bhartas, fell asleep after eating rice, we sometimes had different Going to places, going to hotels and eating rice with different types of food, hotel food is not very tasty, home cooked food is very tasty.


Thanks everyone for reading my post today.


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