Un cane pregando/A dog praying

in Italy15 days ago

Ieri c'è stato un evento cinofilo, nella foto vediamo uno dei cani addestrati, il poliziotto prega e il cane dovrebbe fare lo stesso, quel cane è una bellezza

Yesterday there was a dog event, in the photo we see one of the trained dogs, the police man prays and the dog should do the same, that dog is a beauty

Quest'altro cane salta attraverso i cerchi

This other dog pass through hoops

Sono rimasto solo pochi minuti e ho scattato queste foto, i cani sono molto ben addestrati e la gente ha apprezzato l'evento... Ti auguro una felice giornata

I only stayed a few minutes and took these photos, the dogs are very well trained and people enjoyed the event... Have a happy day.

Le foto sono di mia proprietà, scattate con il mio cellulare SAMSUNG S20FE

The photos are mine, taken with my SAMSUNG S20FE mobile phone.


Il cane ha la stessa postura del carabinero, sembra che stia pregando anche lui, ottima fotografia, ti faccio i complimenti

Grazie mille per le tue gentili parole
Ti auguro una felice giornata


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Thank you very much for your support, I would love to have this option, progress is what I want and I remain motivated.
I wish you a happy day

The photos from the dog event are delightful! The trained dog and the policeman's pose create a heartwarming scene of teamwork and training. The dog jumping through hoops showcases its agility and talent. It's evident that the dogs are well-trained, and it must have been a joyous event for everyone involved. Thanks for sharing these wonderful moments. Have a happy day

I only stayed a few minutes, but I watched people share and admire the dogs.
I wish you a happy day

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