La festa della mamma/Mother's Day

in Italy4 months ago (edited)

La domenica è stata festeggiata la festa della mamma, ne ho viste molte accompagnate dalla famiglia in diversi ristoranti

Mother's Day was celebrated on Sunday, I saw many accompanied by their family in different restaurants

Mi è piaciuto osservare la felicità sui volti delle mamme, meritano questo e altro ancora

I loved watching the happiness on the mothers faces, they deserve this and more

Alcuni si sono seduti su questa sedia dove dice: "mia madre è una regina", sono totalmente d'accordo.

Some have sat in this chair where it says, “my mother is a queen,” I totally agree.

Ecco come appariva il primo piano del centro commerciale, tutto era gioia, felicità e mi sono lasciata contagiare......Ti auguro una felice giornata

This is how the first floor of the shopping center looked, everything was joy, happiness and I let myself be infected......I wish you a happy day.

Le foto sono di mia proprietà, scattate con il mio cellulare SAMSUNG S20FE

The photos are mine, taken with my SAMSUNG S20FE mobile phone


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I wish you a happy day

Una giornata molto importante e che spero non venga mai cancellata dai tempi folli che stiamo vivendo... Non so, magari a qualcuno verrà in mente di trasformarla nella festa del "Genitore 1", all'insegna del politicamente corretto 😏

Non dite così hahahaha, le madri sono esseri meravigliosi che meritano tutto il meglio di questo mondo e di noi ovviamente

Il giorno della mamma è una delle giornate più sentite anche qua in Italia

Quel giorno ho visto tante persone felici, le mamme con il mazzo di rose in mano, erano così belle.

It is really great that we pay careful attention and celebrate our mother's. They really deserve to be celebrated for everything they have been doing in our life. Sometimes I wonder where my life will be without them

Mothers are wonderful, they deserve this and much more.

It is really great to see that mothers are celebrated. They truly deserve it. They have really been so wonderful in our society

I totally agree, they deserve all kinds of celebrations and everything we can do for them.

Parents should not be joked with. They should be widely celebrated every single time

Especially mothers, they are wonderful beings, I don't understand why some don't value their mothers.

Mothers are really special being that should be continually celebrated in our society. They always play a special place in our society and should not actually be joked with

The mothers were so happy and so pretty that day, GOD bless them

I loved the chair where mothers treated like queen , (but they missed the red carpet) to provide more royal environment. (happy mother's day )

Some mothers took photos sitting in the chair, they looked happy, I wish it were always like this, they deserve all the happiness and more.

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