Kylian Mbappé firma con il Real Madrid/Kylian Mbappé signs with Real Madrid

in Italy17 days ago

È abbastanza simile, direi addirittura che il meme è migliore hahahaha, NON sto prendendo in giro l'uomo, prendo in giro il meme e sono realista... Ti auguro una buona giornata

It's quite similar, I'd even say the meme is better hahahaha, I'm NOT making fun of the man, I'm making fun of the meme and I'm being realistic... I wish you a happy day

FUENTE : YouTube


What a great day to be happy in the football world. I am so sure that he will definitely do quite well

Completely agree with you.

It is a great news for the world of football. I strongly believe that this is what every football fan have actually been waiting for years and finally they achieve it and that is something to always celebrate

This man is an excellent player, there is no doubt about that, we will see results, I am ready to make some bets.

He is really a GREAT player and I am so sure he will add positivity to the team of real Madrid

This team is more than equipped with this player, that's for sure.

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