Esercizio e scoperta/Exercise and discovery

in Italylast month

Andare a correre ha benefici non solo per la salute fisica ma anche mentale e un beneficio in più è osservare alcuni animali come questo scoiattolo, l'ho visto per caso passando di lì.

Going for a run has benefits not only for physical but also mental health and an additional benefit is observing some animals like this squirrel, I saw it by chance while passing by.


Quando questo animale sente i miei passi si allontana, forse spaventato dal rumore, NON era mia intenzione spaventarlo.

When this animal hears my footsteps it moves away, perhaps scared by the noise, it was NOT my intention to scare it.


Quando ingrandisco mi fa vedere gli occhi di questo animale, NON avevo usato lo zoom al massimo, vale la pena farlo......Ti auguro un buon fine settimana

When I zoom in it shows me the eyes of this animal, I had NOT used the zoom to the maximum, it's worth doing......I wish you a good weekend

Le foto sono di mia proprietà, scattate con il mio cellulare SAMSUNG S20FE

The photos are mine, taken with my SAMSUNG S20FE mobile phone.


Wow!! LU! Ma la lucertola con la coda blu è un animaletto stupendo! Hai fatto degli incotri interessanti durante la tua corsa. Grazie per aver condiviso queste belle foto con noi

Uomo, è bello vedere il tuo commento, ti ringrazio per aver visitato il mio blog.
Ti auguro un felice fine settimana

Exercise is really good and benefits for our health. It helps us to be put in shape. I have really missed exercising

It helps us to be well physically and psychologically and the extra bonus is to observe while we exercise.

Even though I have actually been so much busy nowadays in exercising due to my busy schedule but I strongly believe exercise is really needed as it helps to put our health in the top shape

Exercise is basic, I love to exercise

Exercise is really good for our health and we must not actually joke with it. It is really necessary as it helps us to keep in good shape and helps sustain us also much more

(Exercising is very good for our health,) I totally agree with you.

It is really necessary that most of the time we exercise and keep it going even when we don't even want to exercise

Exercise is basic, I love to exercise

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