When I took this picture in Venice, I didn't know That This Tower Is Special!..

in Italylast year

It turns out that there are about a hundred “falling” towers in the world! The most famous is Pisa's tower, but besides it there are many interesting and beautiful buildings.

What is especially interesting, most of all "falling" towers in Italy. What do you think, what is it connected with?

a) in the 14th-16th centuries, architects were not very skilled;
b) at that time built without a foundation;
c) in Italy, special soil, which creates conditions for subsidence of buildings.

Correct answer is C!

Due to the peculiarities of the soil in Italy, as many as 12 falling towers. In addition to Pisa, they are in Venice, Rome and Bologna.

When I photographed this tower in Venice, I did not notice that it was tilted. I realized this only later, reviewing photos from the trip)

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This is the bell tower of the Orthodox Church of San Giorgio dei Greci, built, according to various sources, between 1492 and 1603. The French writer André Malraux considered this church the most beautiful building in Venice.

She is really beautiful. Refined and airy. Especially in dawn colors, when we were lucky to see her.


The fallen tower

By the way, another fallen tower of Venice is one of the most recognizable buildings in the city. “Fallen” in the past tense, because one day it did fall. It's about the bell tower of the Cathedral of San Marco.


Built in the 12th century, it was both a bell tower and a lighthouse. In the 18th century, lightning hit it, and a crack went through the building. So the tower stood for some time, until it collapsed in 1902. The photos are impressive.



The bell tower was restored in 10 years. It turns out that now this is one of the newest buildings in Venice :))

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Photo: personal archive, livejournal.com, faz.net


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