THE BEST PHOTO OF THE WEEK - The boy and the beach

in Italylast year

Hello my valued #italy community This is my entry for THE BEST PHOTO OF THE WEEK.


And so the day ends, after so much running, playing, jumping and laughing, the afternoon falls, the sun begins to set, the sea turns silver and the child only has to go to the sea, remove the sand from his body and with a lot of sorry to go home.
But the dream and the illusion of returning to the sea again, to run through the wet sand and bathe in its waves, will always be there, in that little head, because when a child does not dream it is because he plays and when he does not play it is because he is dreaming.

This photograph is my authorship and property, taken with a cannon EOS Rebel T7


Ciao @jmarcano purtroppo questo contest al momento è in pausa.

Però ce ne sono altri. Dai un'occhiata qui per vedere se ce n'è qualcuno che ti può interessare. ;D

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