The Best Photo Contest, 32° week. The sea, a place to meet ourselves. by j.marcano.

in Italy3 years ago

This photograph invites me to reflect, to connect with my interior.


Many times we feel that life does not allow for more, that we are drowned in so many crises, locked in our own fears, and we do not know that a way out of all that, or at least a rest in the midst of so much turbulence, is the connection with nature. We stop listening to its sounds, to breathe its pure air, to feel the caress of the breeze on our skin that brings us so many pleasant sounds and in such a high frequency.

This photograph invites me to breathe as I close my eyes to listen to the sea, to bury my hands in the sand and squeeze hard. It invites me to shout towards where the horizon line is.


It makes me want to toast myself with the setting sun and want to shelter myself with the foam that the waves bring.

Seeing a child immersed in the beauty of the landscape that makes you think about your peace and makes you want to have it too, because yes, children are the conducting threads between the wisdom of nature and us.

They know how to calm our burden, how to heal our spirit, we just have to follow their gaze and listen to the goodness that is in their hearts.

I love this photograph because it reminds me that things are possible, that everything wonderful in life is there, we just have to close our eyes and open our minds ... breathe, and if it costs us a lot, they are there, our threads drivers ... Children and their kindness.


Photograph of my property and authorship, taken with a xiaomi redmi note 8.

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