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RE: ieri breve passeggiata in montagna ITA- ENG

in Italy2 months ago

What a beautiful place to go exploring @hotspotitaly - so much wonderful greenery in every direction.

Quite amazing that even though the goats are from a farm that they would allow you to get so close to them without any negative reaction or running away. He is a real cutie though too :D

often when you go for a walk you find these Capitals who are still several years old, and that these places were built by those who lived as a sign of thanksgiving, to God or to Our Lady, but unfortunately many of these were stolen in these areas precisely because they have enormous value.

Humans can really SUCK sometimes! How sad that people would steal something so precious for personal gain! We have the same kind of thing here - in fact much worse, and it makes me so sad. If only humans could preserve a deeper level of understanding and respect for things of historical value - regardless of whether they can get a "quick buck" for it or if they don't "agree" with that portion of history... which is something we get here a lot... people destroying things, burning them down or breaking them because of their personal feelings toward that time in history.

Lovely place though, I enjoyed the visual tour :)

Hope you have a lovely Sunday!


Thank you for your kind words. Yes it was a lovely Sunday and I hope you had a lovely time too

Thank you so much @hotspotitaly :)

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