Some of my flower photography

in Italy3 months ago

how are you all Hope everyone is well. I am fine too. moment I came to you with beautiful flower photography. I hope you'll like my flower photography. Let's get acquainted with my collection of flowers. It's a red jaba flower. The flower bloomed outside a small theater . And at that moment I captured the beautiful flower in my eyes. I like Jaba flower more. I'm veritably fond of planting this tree in our house. Several times I planted this flower factory on the roof but it did not work. It's a various flower. These flowers are of different colors. I did not know the name of this flower ahead but learned it after starting work then. But I've been seeing it for a long time, I like the flower. These flowers can be seen in relatively different places, I captured it from a demesne. It's a flower. It can be seen blooming in different corridor of the vill. Blooms more especially during downtime. conspicuous on roadsides or ponds. I've been seeing these flowers since nonage. This tree has different names in different places. But the white flowers look veritably nice.




Mustard flower of our pond. Mustard was woven to enhance the beauty of the pond. I hope you like the flowers. Because this flower creates the most beauty in the crop field during downtime. And because of this flower, one day I ran from my mama 's house to the crop field. It's the flower of the bhat tree. At this time it's seen to be relatively blooming. These trees can be seen in different corridor of the vill. The flowers look veritably nice in the white air. And in the upper part of a tree there are numerous blooms. I do not flash back the name of these flowers at the moment, perhaps chrysanthemum. But anyway, it's nice to see all these flowers. The shops are small and have different colored flowers. I picked up flower photography a long time agone . multitudinous flowers bloom on small trees.




It's a German flower. This flower can be set up in different ponds of the vill. I frequently notice these flowers in the conduits on the side of the road. perhaps the flowers grow in a dirty terrain but I like the flowers veritably much. Once I went to visit there and saw a lot. I've seen a lot of people taking a boat on the swash and taking vids by this flower. But the beauty of this flower isn't lacking among the white flowers. It's a rice pumpkin flower. We're more or less familiar with this flower. Body is made with this pumpkin along with beats especially during downtime. The unheroic flower looks better from a distance. I do not know the name of it's a evanescent tree. I heard that these leaves look like flowers. What a variety of beautiful flowers and leafage trees there are. When you see it, you just want to take a print.



Of course, what I always hope is that everyone is always healthy and always successful for all my musketeers wherever you are. On this veritably beautiful occasion I'll show you the natural beauty of which I took several filmland when I headed to the mounds a many weeks agone . Then we can see the natural beauty of the mountains. Of course, if we talk about the mountains, it's a veritably beautiful place and always entertains us when we're in that place. When I was on the table I captured several filmland of course I'll show them as my post then. So let's look at some of the filmland I have taken together, hopefully everyone will be entertained.


This morning when I was walking in the yard I set up these moths sitting on the leaves of a guava tree. Side by side on the leaves of the tree sat two dragon canvases , and two of the same color and of the same species. They look veritably nice especially the bodies are veritably transparent. still, its cylinder- shaped body and tail were slightly black in color. It sat veritably high. I pulled the leaves and took some photos of it. Nonage was spent with similar insects from a veritably youthful age. From a veritably youthful age we used to try to catch similar insects and occasionally play with them. Although similar conduct weren't good but to be honest we didn't understand the same at that time. It's still nice to see them. occasionally I flash back when I see other small children trying to catch them.

All pictures taken with Iphone 14 pro

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