Beautiful Flower Photography

in Italy5 months ago

Then you can see some filmland of crocus which is also the origin of the well- known spice saffron and especially the species Crocus sativus is best suited for carrying this precious spice. During the Middle periods, saffron came to Europe via dealers from the Orient, where it snappily came more and more popular and it's suspected that it first came to Spain from where it spread via France to Switzerland. The people snappily realized what eventuality this spice had and the Swiss decided to cultivate it in some areas and an important center for civilization was the canton of Valais where it's still traditionally grown moment and some families have concentrated specifically on civilization. In Switzerland, there was formerly an extremely high demand at that time and trade flourished explosively and particularly important trading centers were Basel or Lucerne at that time and in Europe Switzerland played one of the most important places when it comes to trading this spice, which has also frequently been called red gold. In addition to the use as a spice, it also came more and more important as a drug or as a color and some orders were also created which came to great power through civilization, trade or processing and had political influence and further and further people realized the eventuality of it and decided to join the council, which has been expanded more and more as a result. The strongest trading mates at the time were Spain, France as well as England and via Switzerland, which was an important trading point the spice came to other European countries and there were thousands of people who were employed in this assiduity.




Because of the preciousness, it frequently happed that some people tried to imitate the spice in order to produce it instinctively and it frequently happed that dealers were attacked and this indeed led to some controversies similar as a war which was also to go down in history as a saffron war. This war took place in the 14th century and redounded from the fact that the lord of the castle of Neu- Falkenstein interdicted a saffron delivery from Basel and the reason was presumably debts at the time and this led to the fact that a huge war was instigated and colors from Bern, Basel and other corridor of Switzerland besieged the castle for a many weeks to take vengeance for this action and bring the saffron back. numerous colors failed at that time and a large part of the castle was destroyed and after the clashes there was peace between the lord Henmann and the megacity of Basel indeed decided to pay for the destroyed corridor of the castle as well as compensation. After the addition, there were controversies about the rule within the own family and the castle ended up in the possession of someone differently and was until the 18th century possession of Solothurn and during the Helvetic Revolution the castle was destroyed. To this day, there's multitudinous literal substantiation of the significance of saffron in Switzerland and for a long time the content has nearly been forgotten in some places and the canton Aargau, Grisons or the city Mund in the canton of Valais are particularly known for civilization.



It looks small but has veritably strong abidance indeed though occasionally we forget to water it. still, this flower isn't a griper, it's no longer easy, it remains strong and the day sees it each because I'm the proprietor of this beautiful flower. The flower that I've watched for for a long time moment is the material for me to make another post then. I hope that these beautiful filmland can entertain my musketeers both in terms of their views and the jotting I've formulated.



Then are some filmland, yes, I'll soon partake the jottings in the photography community, where the community always talks about the beauty of natural beauty and this is one of the natural knockouts, videlicet beautiful paper flowers. felicitations to shooter musketeers. moment we also feel happy. Congratulations I supplicate that my musketeers will always behealthy.A while agone when I was walking through our vicinity I really liked the flowers and I took some photos of these flowers standing on my wall. A many species of these flowers are seen then. Of these, one and the other are fully milky white in color. Especially when colorful types of insects sit on these flowers, the scenes are more affable to watch. In our house, my mama shops these shops every time to fulfill our family's vegetable needs. still, in downtime these flowers yield. moment, starting from downtime, these flowers can be seen in nearly every house in the vill and look amazing.


wonderful flowers. I compared it to flowers that grow in cold regions.

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