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RE: Animals on Farms / Animali in Fattoria [EN/IT]

in Italy3 months ago

Fighting fake news as if we were in a dystopian episode of Black Mirror. The AI that degenerates on 'Animal Farm' suggests a need to revisit the classics—ah, but perhaps the younger generations don't need to know too much, as it's not trendy. An image is worth a thousand words, but explaining why an image is wrong? Perhaps a thousand words aren't enough. And who reads anymore? That image then becomes right and real.

An elephant with five legs, if leashed on Corso Buenos Aires in Milan, would make young women with Gucci-style fur-clad dogs in designer strollers envious. 🫣

The AI changes its mind more often than I change my socks.

And in Italy? With pressures for media narratives aligned with the current government's interests, akin to fascism in skirts, it reminds us how essential it is to defend media independence and freedom of the press, and how democracy struggles to respond, in whose interest? After all, when wealth is concentrated within a narrow circle of people, only regimes and dictatorships can arise.🤬

I loved your post!👍


Indeed hardly no one reads my children still do, the youngest about 3 books per week. She reads three at the same time (it's how I read too).

AI is US I assume it has certain standards and is white skinned. White is good, blak (even brown hair) is bad, but hey at least the woke pic turned out well although the poor devil/ram might hate it to be associated with those dumb t-shirts.

Did the 7 of G already leave in their private jets? Since news is blocked it's a secret I guess. I hope they paid the whores very well and everyone kept their children inside.

I reveived 19 emails today, I thought some was in need or died but no, I received the worst story ever. No idea who will read this shhh (except me) I start to understand why they say with us the US is the biggest mad house there is.
No way I will edit this.

It's a democratic decide to block all the new (rumble is the place to be). I already know since years Wikip lies... It's easy to figure out if you look for 1 topic or person in different languages.

Are you having fun?

Thanks for liking my post I just ramble on plus had a fight with my phone. It has an averse against AI too.

Did you upvote? Can be that's the reason you no longer earn, I don't know, join the freewriters and hope you receive a % from their earnings.

A happy evening to you!

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