Create an image | Walking around the world/ Giro del mondo a piedi

in Italy23 days ago


Italian translation below~~

Upon reading the prompt in Digitaly Magazine, two ideas came to mind: walking as it relates to literature and creativity. I have always loved walking; apart from its apparent health benefits, walking helps me think clearly.

Every step was a cue for my brain to jostle the cocoon of thoughts suspended in my mind, picking them up, undressing them, laying them bare, and operating on them until it reached the heart of the matter. In short, it stimulates my mind to contemplate, mull over and eventually generate ideas.

Literature. They say walking and writing seem to go hand in hand. It might sound contradictory, as writing is usually done indoors, in a bedroom or study. I say usually because some writers (especially poets) pen their thoughts and find inspiration in the great outdoors.

Henry David Thoreau, my hero and one of the few authors I truly admire, wrote an essay on this very subject: Walking. Though he did not walk with the purpose of writing about it, he saw walking and immersing oneself in nature as essential for deep thought and creativity. One of the things he said that stuck with me was that one must walk like a camel, as it is the only beast that ruminates while walking.

Thoreau also pointed out that William Wordsworth’s study was out of doors. It is well known that he walked miles every day, composing poetry in his head.

As for Friedrich Nietzsche, I once read in another book that many of his philosophical ideas were born during his long daily walks. He even said, “All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking.” Though, to be honest, I can’t really say that all the thoughts I’ve conceived while walking are great.

My point, really, is that these writers or poets saw walking not merely as exercise but as a means to enhance their art. And even though they did not literally walk around the world, their ideas certainly did – across space and time.


Leggendo la richiesta della rivista Digitaly, mi sono venute in mente due idee: il camminare in relazione alla letteratura e alla creatività. Ho sempre amato camminare; oltre agli evidenti benefici per la salute, camminare mi aiuta a pensare con chiarezza.

Ogni passo era uno spunto per il mio cervello per smuovere il bozzolo di pensieri sospesi nella mia mente, raccoglierli, svestirli, metterli a nudo e operare su di essi fino a raggiungere il nocciolo della questione. In breve, stimola la mia mente a contemplare, rimuginare e infine generare idee.

Letteratura. Si dice che camminare e scrivere vadano di pari passo. Potrebbe sembrare una contraddizione, visto che di solito la scrittura si fa in casa, in una camera da letto o in uno studio. Dico di solito perché alcuni scrittori (soprattutto i poeti) scrivono i loro pensieri e trovano ispirazione all'aria aperta.

Henry David Thoreau, il mio eroe e uno dei pochi autori che ammiro veramente, ha scritto un saggio proprio su questo argomento: Camminare. Anche se non camminava con lo scopo di scriverne, riteneva che camminare e immergersi nella natura fosse essenziale per il pensiero profondo e la creatività. Una delle cose che mi sono rimaste impresse è che bisogna camminare come un cammello, perché è l'unica bestia che rumina mentre cammina.

Thoreau ha anche sottolineato che lo studio di William Wordsworth era all'aperto. È noto che egli camminava per chilometri ogni giorno, componendo poesie nella sua testa.

Per quanto riguarda Friedrich Nietzsche, una volta ho letto in un altro libro che molte delle sue idee filosofiche sono nate durante le sue lunghe passeggiate quotidiane. Ha persino detto: “Tutti i pensieri veramente grandi sono concepiti camminando”. Anche se, a dire il vero, non posso dire che tutti i pensieri che ho concepito camminando siano grandi.

Il punto, in realtà, è che questi scrittori o poeti vedevano il camminare non solo come un esercizio fisico, ma come un mezzo per migliorare la loro arte. E anche se non hanno letteralmente fatto il giro del mondo, le loro idee hanno certamente attraversato lo spazio e il tempo.

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Prompt: Walking fueled writers' creativity, carrying their ideas across time and space

 22 days ago 

Senz'altro, senz'altro...anche se nello specifico caso di Nietzsche è da rilevare che le sue grandi idee ebbero come risultato che morì pazzo a Torino...

 22 days ago 

All I know is that he was depressed or perhaps suffering from a physical illness. I searched online and found this:

The philosopher’s lack of success — he became famous only after his death — and lack of social contact also caused him stress. “It hurts me frightfully that in these fifteen years not one single person has ‘discovered’ me, has needed me, has loved me,” a letter reads. “How rarely a friendly voice reaches me!” another adds. “I’m now alone, absurdly alone.”

It seems that those with great minds often suffer from depression...I guess I'd better become a mad hatter then 😅 Oh! And Bartolino! I envy him. 😂

 20 days ago 

The Mad Clock man, yes😂😂😂😂
Surely, you'll also envy Marco The Globetrotter on foot😂😂😂😂

 18 days ago 

They have the same vibe! 😂😂 I doubt that map he's holding will even be used. 😅 I don’t think he could even find his location on it! 😂

 14 days ago 

Wait, wait...I'm generating ideas to please Marco the globetrotter😂😂😂😂 my baby Pou:


...child Pou...


...grown up Pou...


 14 days ago 

Wait, wait...I'm generating ideas to please Marco the globetrotter😂😂😂😂

Please tell me there’s going to be a Part II! 😂 I can see him spending a few days in the outside world before running back to his friend Akim, and admitting he made a huge mistake. 😂😂

There it is - The legendary Pou! Just as I suspected, she's draped in luxury! Wait, is that a guitar pick on her necklace? And don't you miss the baby Pou? It's much cuter though 😅

 13 days ago (edited)

Well...really I don't know what's the medallion my Pou is wearing in its necklace, but yes, it could be a guitar pick😂. And I love the cute baby Pou, so it can't miss😂
What's Marco's mistake? He finds the best for him is becoming a globetrotter...he needs to forget Valentina, the future bride of his friend months (perhaps years😂) passed and Marco reached Bonn (the ancient German capital), where he'll meet a new friend (just published the second part😂).

 11 days ago 

Actually, my first impression seeing your grown up Pou was the rock band Alice in Chains😂 So, yes, that's why I thought that medallion could probably be a guitar pick😂

I'll read the second part now. Is there anyway, he'll meet Bartolino? 😅

This is really a very perfect image you created that helps to communicate a whole lot of messages all around and which one can take in I must confess. The world is so large to definitely explore

 22 days ago 

Thank you👍

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