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RE: Gene Codes: Session 1

in Italy3 years ago

I am so close to the idea that there is no such thing as junk dna, just like there is no such thing as metaphysics... it's just our lack of knowledge.

Too bad the Onstellar project never got off the ground.

Is that your voice on the podcast?
If so, you have an amazing English accent.

looking forward for the next sessions in this series


Thank you, yes, it is my voice, and my accent is American, as I learned to speak English in the USA, New Jersey. I am curious about your comment that there is no such thing as metaphysics, could you share your thoughts on that?

oh..ok,that makes sense

I believe that any phenomena that occur in nature are simply natural phenomena... either those that we can perceive with our senses, or those that cannot be perceived by our senses.

Metaphysical is that which we cannot explain with existing scientific knowledge.

This leads me to the conclusion that there is no such term as metaphysical... there's just a lack of knowledge in that particular part of physics.

I personally don't like the term refers to something unnatural, like magic...we label something as metaphysical and stop exploring it as if we admit that we can't do anything about it and that there are things in nature that we just can't explain and we just live with it

Things get even more serious when we happen to talk about these theories with scientists... they don't accept anything that can't be explained by existing knowledge of physics and that scares me because I think we should always try to explain the unexplainable

It's in our nature to always go beyond the existing.

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