1000 DAYS OF STEEM - The Diary Game - 09/08/2020: Discrimination and Ignorance - Discriminazione e Ignoranza [ENG-ITA]

in Italy4 years ago


Yesterday I suspended my activity on the Diary Game and certainly not for lack of ideas or facts to tell.

There was a very unpleasant episode that occurred here on Steem and that really shocked me and put me in a bad mood.

I will not mention names, I will not put tags of any kind, because this is not a complaint post, but it is just a personal outlet.

I found myself for the first time in my life to suffer a blatant insult for my provenance.

For me, this is a totally new situation and it is truly paradoxical that it happened right here, on a platform frequented by people of all nationalities and ethnicities.

Being told that, for the mere fact of living near a certain city, I would be cunning, not able and even not Italian, has left me truly amazed.

To aggravate this episode, then, is the fact that who uttered these insults did so without any reason and without knowing me in the least.

And this same person lives in a Country other than his own, so should know or at least be more sensitive about discrimination phenomena.

I have always tried to distinguish myself for grace and calmness, I have always had many friends and very good relationships, I am not a quarrelsome or aggressive person.

If someone wants to offend me, do so, but talk about my actions, my work and don't allow yourself to tarnish the dignity and honor of a people who have written an indelible history, made up of culture, passion, art.

Indeed, have to took off his hat in front of my people, you are not even worthy of mention.

I know that here there is great sensitivity regarding these issues and there are very clear rules that do not allow this type of behavior.

Not everyone saw the comment in question, but someone tried to emphasize the gravity and inaccuracy of the statement.

Since this person is a Country Representative, which further aggravates the fact, if still needed, I expect the Team to take serious and immediate action, because it is clear that such a person cannot represent anyone.

If this were not the case, with great regret, I could permanently leave Steemit.
Because I like being here, but my honor, my dignity and that of my people come first and deserve to be defended from vulgar attacks from backward and ignorant people.


Thanks to all of you for reading my article.

If you liked it, share it on your blog and write me a comment with your impressions.

I’m part of the @Italygame Team together with @mikitaly, @mad-runner, @ilnegro and @sardrt.

See you soon!




Ieri ho sospeso la mia attività sul Diary Game e non certo per mancanza di idee o di fatti da raccontare.

C’è stato uno sgradevolissimo episodio che si è verificato qui su Steem e che mi ha davvero molto scosso e messo di malumore.

Non farò nomi, non metterò tag di nessun tipo, perché questo non è un post di denuncia, ma è solo un mio sfogo personale.

Mi sono trovato per la prima volta nella mia vita a subire un palese insulto per la mia provenienza.

Per me questa è una situazione totalmente nuova ed è davvero paradossale che sia capitato proprio qui, su una piattaforma frequentata da persone di tutte le nazionalità ed etnie.

Sentirmi dire che, per il solo fatto di abitare nei pressi di una determinata città, io sarei furbo, incapace e addirittura non italiano, mi ha lasciato davvero esterrefatto.

Ad aggravare questo episodio, poi, c’è il fatto che chi ha pronunciato questi insulti, lo ha fatto senza alcuna motivazione e senza minimamente conoscermi.

E questa stessa persona vive in un Paese diverso dal suo, quindi dovrebbe conoscere o almeno essere più sensibile riguardo a fenomeni di discriminazione.

Io ho sempre cercato dì contraddistinguermi per garbo e pacatezza, ho sempre avuto tanti amici e buonissimi rapporti, non sono una persona litigiosa né aggressiva.

Se qualcuno vuole offendermi, lo faccia pure, ma parli delle mie azioni, del mio operato e non si permetta di infangare la dignità e l’onore di un popolo che ha scritto una storia indelebile, fatta di cultura, passione, arte.

Anzi, si togliesse il cappello di fronte alla mia gente, che non è neanche degna di nominare.

So che qui c’è grande sensibilità riguardo a questi temi e ci sono regole ben chiare che non ammettono questo tipo di comportamento.

Non tutti hanno visto il commento in questione, ma qualcuno ha provato a sottolineare la gravità e l’improprietà dell’affermazione.

Visto che si tratta di un Country Representative, cosa che aggrava ulteriormente il fatto, se ancora ce ne fosse bisogno, mi aspetto che il Team prenda dei provvedimenti seri ed immediati, perché è chiaro che una persona del genere non può rappresentare nessuno.

Qualora non fosse così, con grande dispiacere, potrei lasciare definitivamente Steemit.
Perché mi piace stare qui, ma il mio onore, la mia dignità e quella del mio popolo vengono prima di tutto e meritano di essere difese da beceri attacchi di persone retrograde e ignoranti.


Grazie a tutti voi per aver letto il mio post.

Se vi è piaciuto, condividetelo sul vostro blog e scrivetemi un commento con le vostre impressioni.

Faccio parte del Team @Italygame insieme con @mikitaly, @mad-runner, @ilnegro and @sardrt.

A presto!




Hi @girolamomarotta, in my opinion it is right to do such post, even I felt so ashamed reading the comment that was blamed to have such character, that was putting the whole group of people living in that particular county of Italy.

We are all here on Steem blockchain, we do not know each other personally but so long we can't prove we can't blame anyone.

In my opinion the person should not represent the country that she does not respect.

I hope @steemitblog and @steemcurator01 should not ignore this post, you are striving for retention of users but by doing nothing may loose the users too.

I thank you for everything you are doing.

The words that have been addressed to me are serious not only because they violate the rules of Steemit, but also because in Italy there is a long-standing problem of territorial discrimination, with political parties that incite racism and social hatred.
And if the words are spoken by a foreign person who lives in Italy, part of the category that is often the target of these attacks (defended by the healthy and reasonable part of the population), the fact is even more regrettable.

I'm sorry for this whole bad situation. I'm on the side of @girolamomarotta.
From today in all my daily diary I will denounce the deplorable behavior of our Italian representative.
I expect @steemitblog and @steemcurator01 to take action.

Thank you for the support, Miki 🙏🏼

 4 years ago (edited)

This is the first post that is written to denounce this very serious situation that has arisen. We didn't want to get to this but we were forced to. As Italians we will write a post a day of denunciation until this mortifying and humiliating and very serious situation is resolved.
I hope @steemitblog @steemcurator01 takes urgent action.
To @girolamomarotta, polite, competent and kind person all my solidarity.

Thank you very much for your words 🙏🏼

Ciao @girolamomarotta!

I was very glad to meet you here on the steem
Whole this story looks poco appetitoso :-(
I am very sad that the word -Russian- is again pronounced in a negative way.
I hope that you will not transfer the negative experience to all of us... We are all different ... :) And each of the platform participants has different incentives. Someone experiences gambling excitement or a desire to be popular, someone wants to become a leader at any cost.
And, of course, it is sad when aplomb and the absence of an elementary culture of behavior take precedence over good manners, tact and modesty.
I hope everything will return to normal. And I hope to continue our acquaintance!

P.S. I will tell you that in the our community, not everyone is so boundlessly happy

Hello @mister-omortson, I'm glad to see you here too.
I've already had the pleasure of meeting you thanks to your beautiful post for the I love Italy contest and you have all my appreciation.

I want to say you immediately that I don’t make any kind of generalization and that I look at what a person says and does....how he behaves and certainly not where he lives or other clichés of ignorant xenophobes.
Then I also say you that I have noticed, reading various comments, that many users of your community are not at all happy and I understand you very well.
We are fighting for our rights to be recognized and so that no one is allowed to launch personal offenses of any kind and we will continue even at the cost of having to permanently close our activities. This is 100% sure.

Thank you for commenting and come back when you want, you are always welcome here!

P.S. your name on the contrary is nostromo...this can't be a coincidence 😁

Si, Nostromo))) spaceship

Hi @girolamomarotta I'm sorry that you feel that way to her comment. I just hope that both of you can resolve the situation in good possible way. Both of you been doing great for the community, let's try to build the community together, sometimes we may have a little bit of misunderstanding or dispute but let us just try to choose unity and love over hatred and separation. I hope you keep going strong building the Italian community with the support that you have now. I look forward to the strong and vibrant Italian community in steem 😃

Thank you my friend, I indeed tried at first, I was very helpful but I always received unpleasant and aggressive answers.
This unfortunately is not the first time she insults me, the same concept that I highlighted in the post, she expressed it in two consecutive comments, so that's what she thinks. For the rest, thank you very much for your words! In the meantime we continue to work and we are already getting good feedback.
We hope that the issue will be resolved soon, so that we can have the opportunity to continue like this.

Sorry about that . Some people just make issues out of nothing forgetting that everyone deserves to be respected.

Yes, that's right. Personal offenses like that are always unacceptable.

Thanks for your support 🙏🏼

I don't know what happened or what did that comment say, but I'm really sorry that you had to go through that bad situation. It's a shame that this kind of things still get to happen.

Thank you very much for your solidarity

You can read here https://steemit.com/thediarygame/@sardrt/the-diary-game-11-08-2020-italian-community-insults-and-prejudices-1-en-ita

This post explains what’s happened against me and the whole Italian community in these last days.

Oh this is so bad. No one deserves to be discriminated. I hope it will be settled soon. Keep posting.

I agree with you. Thanks for your solidarity.

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Curated by @blessed-girl


Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

Thanks for your attention 🙏🏼

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