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RE: NewStoryGame 2.3 - Fiori di Passione

in Italy6 months ago (edited)

The map contained many secrets, but a mysterious challenge, which is the crossing of the red wine river in the jungle .
when crossing, both must hold roses in their hands and whisper the names of their soulmates , if they failed, .....Oh .....someone wiped it off the map.


…improvvisamente, mentre attraversano il fiume di vino rosso, un corvo parlante atterra sul ramo sopra di loro. "Ah, il segreto? Cosa nasconde quel nettare in bottiglia, grazie a vite eternamente passate come concime. Vi aggrada un assaggio o diventare ingredienti?" Con un'occhiata maliziosa, invitò: "Seguitemi, coraggiose. La vigna attende di essere svelata...

translation in English

…Suddenly, as they cross the river of red wine, a talking crow lands on the branch above them. "Ah, the secret? What does that nectar in a bottle hide, thanks to lives eternally past as compost. Does a taste appeal to you, or to become ingredients?" With a mischievous glance, it invited: "Follow me, brave ones. The vineyard awaits to be unveiled...


Leave, WOOF the X-wolf growled, there's no room for envy, gossip and thieves.
FLASH the desired map disappeared.

The secret of the vineyard, the crow said, is noticeable to soulmates with dreams who share passion and love only. It's the purest and oldest recipe, no roses between teeth are needed.

translation IT
Vattene, WOOF ringhiò l'X-lupo, non c'è spazio per invidie, pettegolezzi e ladri.
FLASH la mappa desiderata è scomparsa.

Il segreto della vigna, diceva il corvo, è evidente alle anime gemelle con sogni che condividono solo passione e amore. E' la ricetta più pura e antica, non servono le rose tra i denti.


Said the talking crow, it is the beginning of a long journey that lies ahead. You better decide, because once the secrets of the vineyard are revealed, it will never be the same as before.

Hurry!! lovelystar, what do we do next?? the x-wolf is closing in on us…

Should we listen to “talking crow” or not ??

Livia stood there, trembling with fear!

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