Spider Macrophotography EN / ITA

in Italy3 years ago (edited)

Receive an affectionate greeting dear #italy community. First of all, allow me to introduce myself, I am Christopher, an amateur photographer with a phone as a camera, and a lover of nature and macro photography. I want to introduce you as my work with this first post.

IMG-20210804-WA0004.jpgby @christophergls

For many people, spiders represent something negative, but according to various beliefs they also have a positive meaning as a symbol of life or rebirth. Humanity has always seen a meaning of bad omens in spiders, but despite this there are cultures where a spider at home means many good and positive things. These beautiful arachnids have both creative and destructive powers and herald luck and prosperity.

Device: Huawei LUA-L03 Camera
Home made macro lens
Snapseed Edition
Margarita Island ️ Venezuela
All photos was taken by myself @christophergls

Hope you like it.


Ricevi un affettuoso saluto cara community #italy. Innanzitutto permettimi di presentarmi, sono Christopher, fotografo amatoriale con un telefono come macchina fotografica, e amante della natura e della macrofotografia Voglio presentarti come il mio lavoro con questo primo post.

IMG-20210804-WA0004.jpgdi @christophergls

Per molte persone, i ragni rappresentano qualcosa di negativo, ma secondo varie credenze hanno anche un significato positivo come simbolo di vita o rinascita. L'umanità ha sempre visto nei ragni un significato di cattivo auspicio, ma nonostante questo ci sono culture in cui un ragno in casa significa molte cose buone e positive. Questi bellissimi aracnidi hanno poteri sia creativi che distruttivi e preannunciano fortuna e prosperità.

Device: Huawei LUA-L03 Camera
Home made macro lens
Snapseed Edition
Margarita Island ️ Venezuela
All photos was taken by myself @christophergls

Spero ti piaccia.

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