Travel Pro Flash Back to the Old Norm! Kiev Ukraine 2018! (10 photos)

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Lets take a trip back to how things used to be in Kieve Ukraine. These photos date back to my time there in the summer of 2018. I really enjoyed this interesting spot on the planet and I'm sure someday, I will return.

Kiev has turned out to be a very special place for me. I came for a couple weeks and ended up staying for a few months. I got comfortable here. I learned about the culture and the people and the longer I stayed the more I enjoyed it.

This is also one of the few places in the world that I've traveled to where it's not immediately obvious that I am a foreigner. I have great grandparents who immigrated to America who were originally from this city and Odessa Ukraine as well. So my genetics are shared with these people; I look like them. They often start talking to me in Russian, only to be surprised that I respond in English.

Moreover Ukraine to me is a very solid second world country. The streets are not always pristine, neither are some of the buildings, you can see some poverty if you look close enough. There are many people with their own stands selling whatever they can randomly throughout the city. I personally like this, the entrepreneurial spirit is strong here. In economies like this, if there is no job then you have to make your own job. To me this brings character to a city and a culture.

Ukraine is an absolute gem of a "Pay Less Get More Country". Everything is far less expensive here than western Europe yet there is little to no sacrifice on quality. This is what makes a great destination for a long term budget traveler like myself. Now come along and let's have a look at the real life, captured in Kiev Ukraine!

Real Life Captured!

I'm glad they don't have hurricanes in this country because I think many of these small buildings would blow away!

Industry and manufacturing is a big part of the economy in Ukraine.

And people say I have a dangerous job traveling the world.....

I love photographing older people.

This was right outside of a cemetery. That's what I call a smart business move.

I hope he gets paid well.

I stayed in this residential area for a week. Women with baby carriages were everywhere! Looks like the Ukrainians are having no problem reproducing.

They have great and inexpensive produce in this country.

There is a large Orthodox Jewish population in this country.



Photo Credit: World Travel Pro!

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