Corona Virus Outbreak, All Activity Stalled, Aceh. Indonesia

in TravelFeed4 years ago

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Responding to the various Venomena Natural Corona Outbreaks that Affected the Country, the Provincial District Government began to anticipate that the Corona Virus does not extend to the community so that the Provincial District Government adopted a policy so that all activities would be stopped, starting from the office, the school of education is no exception, even though the place of worship began to be reduced.

Example of Photo Images Padlocked Meaning All Activities Are Closed Almost in all Areas of Indonesia

The Indonesian Community Generally Namely the Aceh Community began on March 16 since the circular since it was issued from the local government, then all educational school activities began to be stopped, starting from elementary school level to tertiary level, .. Seen from several pictures of circular letters issued by the government as shown in the photo below

Image Photo circular letter from the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia To temporarily suspend all activities related to social society.

Pictures of Shop Photos and In Front of a Store That Looks Lonely Because of Corona Virus.

Corona virus has begun to hit this country, so that the central government and provincial government began to be vigilant and take their respective policies to stop all community activities so as not to gather in the crowd, the market, in the Mol and in various other places that invited the arrival of the virus outbreak Corona ... Even in the Office of the Hospital began to be cleaned and cured; all kinds of wood that were no longer needed were then cleaned so that there was no more dirt. like cleaning What happened behind one of the Private Hospitals in Aceh and Here Is a Photo I took the past day, with a camera owned by my smartphone.

Photographs of Photos When Unused Wood Begins Collecting and Cleaning.

Different Place That Is At School A Place To Get Knowledge Starting From The Basic Level To College Even All All Teaching and Learning Activities began to be stopped for a while because of the haunting Corona Virus Outbreak ... Like FLM Horror, .. All at fear like seeing creepy creatures, ...! Ya creepy creature is Corona Virus, ..!

Image Photo of local newspaper when the Aceh government began instructing its staff to also stop fingerprinting.

photo images from the local education office regarding the dismissal of education at the elementary school level and encourage students to study at home online.

Such is the friend of Steemein, a little information that I got in Aceh and especially in Indonesia and thank you for seeing and reading the post that I submit ...! Hopefully Adding Insights to our knowledge together To always be vigilant agaqr is not infected with the Corona virus outbreak. And the most effective way to avoid corona virus outbreaks is to always live clean, starting from the environment where we live to the places where we work, .. The point is Keep the cleanliness, starting from the cleanliness of the place, clothing and also cleanliness in in choosing foods that are good for consumption.

that's all from me and may you all be blessed.

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