Westminster Abbey, London

in TravelFeed3 years ago

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All the Royals have been here

Don't quote me on this tittle but I am pretty sure that through out the times and since this have been built, all the Royals in the United Kingdom History have put feet on this Church.

If you decide to go and check on the Big Ben or The Houses of the Parliament don't forget to just run around and check on this beautiful architecture and historical building.

And as I said remember, you will be touching the same floor that all the Royals have touched through out the history, that is an interesting way to see it.

For tourists
For tourists

History is here
History is here

Beautiful details
Beautiful details

In the heart of the City of London
In the heart of the City of London

Built to last
Built to last

Historical area
Historical area

One of the entrances
One of the entrances

The longer you keep looking at this building the more amazing details you will find. The symmetry and the way it was built. Remember that back in the day technology and access to machinery was way different than nowadays. Just that factor, always make me wonder how this amazing constructions were accomplished.

I am not going to get too deep when it comes to historical facts, because I am no historian, so I don't want to give anyone any wrong information. But if you have the time do a little research about the place before you visit it. Because one thing I can assure you. You will find out a lot of the History and big events that have happened in this building.

This is another building you can see in this area and I would totally recommend the visit.

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