Short tour of EGYPT Part - 1

in TravelFeed4 years ago

About two months ago I decided to go to Saudi Arabia to perform Umrah. The date was fixed so that we could stay in Saudi Arabia for the last 13/14 days of Ramadan. There are five of us including father, mother, aunt, cousin. Later, father's friend, mother's friend, friend's friend grew up and became a tour member in 18 people. Then someone suggested that since we were going to Saudi Arabia, why not Egypt, the land of the pyramids soaked in the footsteps of many prophets, messengers and companions, including Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) and Prophet Joseph (peace be upon him)? Adding a little money is enough to travel to another country.

Then I hurriedly got the group ticket of the plane through a well-known travel agency. Because the earlier you buy a plane ticket, the lower the price will be. And the ticket price for Ramadan was also increasing. Then the date of our journey was exactly the 18th of May i.e. 12 Ramadan. Today I will talk about our Egypt tour.

Day 1:

Departs at 2:30 pm on Saudi Airlines and arrives at Cairo Airport at 10pm local time in Egypt (4 hours difference between Bangladesh and Egypt) with 2 hours transit to Jeddah. That is a huge journey of about 14/15 hours. Arriving in Cairo, I saw a guide with a placard in his hand. He greeted us and took us to the hotel by tourist bus. The hotel was near Giza (the pyramid could be seen) although it takes about 20 minutes to reach the pyramid by bus. After finishing all the formalities, I went to the hotel at around 12/1 pm. Since we won't have a complimentary breakfast, that's what Seheri sends to our room. Somehow he ate fresh food and slept.

Day 2:

Guide bus arrives at 8:00 am as scheduled. Now our destination is the Egyptian Museum and Mummy Room. The museum fee was included in our package, but we had to pay 180 Egyptian pounds (about 1 egp = 5 tk) separately to get to the mummy room. . All of them are kings and queens and their descendants. Some of them died in battle, the cause of death of some is unknown. These 3,000 year old mummies are one of the strangest and most wonderful things I've ever seen in my life. Because in many of these mummies, their fingernails and teeth can be understood. The hair of some people is also understood. The surface of the limbs and the head are completely open, so the rest of the body is wrapped in mummy cloth. The most intact mummy discovered to date is the mummy of Ramesses II which we know as the mummy of Pharaoh. Anyone who sees his mummy can easily understand what his real face was. From his teeth, nails to his hands and feet, from the hair of his head to the skin of his face, many are intact !!!

Leaving the museum, we go to the famous perfume shop in Egypt. Alcohol is commonly used in perfumes of international brands. But in this place perfume is made by extracting the extract from the flower without alcohol. This is not usually the case in other places.
We were then taken to another location to show how paper is made from papyrus.
Since there was no paper 3000 years ago, they used to make paper from papyrus tree and draw pictures on it. And we were taken to another place to show how paper is made from this papyrus tree. In addition to making paper, there were also a number of paintings by various famous Egyptian artists. All painted on paper made from papyrus. From here we bought calligraphy around 10 o'clock.
Then I went to see the famous pyramid. A total of 3 pyramids. First we went to see the biggest and most famous pyramid. The Egyptians used to think that after death their souls would return to their bodies, and then their kings would decide who would go to paradise and who would go to hell. So in the past all the kings and queens worshiped, and after their death their bodies were mummified, and finally buried inside the pyramid. During mummification, the body draws out blood, all the organs of the body starting from the brain are brought out except the heart. And the reason the pyramids were triangular in shape was, as previously thought, the whole earth would be submerged during the collapse of the earth. So when the souls of their kings re-enter his body, they can stand at the very top of the pyramid and sustain themselves.
After visiting the pyramid, we come back to our hotel. As soon as we enter the hotel, we hear a huge noise. We keep joking among ourselves that the transformer blast in Bangladesh like in Bangladesh? Later I sat on the net and saw that 30 minutes ago there was a bomb attack on the tourist bus right where we were, which we heard as we entered the hotel !!!! Maybe it was because of God's mercy that we survived.
Back at the hotel, I took a rest and went out in the afternoon to buy iftar and see what their reaction was to the bombing. Asking at the hotel reception, they said they don't know anything !!! Did something like this happen? Everything is normal on the streets. I bought food on foot and came back to the hotel and had Iftar at the hotel. I did not leave the hotel that day. Because we have to go to Alexandria the next morning. I will talk about Alexandria in the next episode. So far today.
Note: Egypt's economic system is not much better than ours. Even then, Egypt is a very clean country. If they can keep their country clean, why can't we?

Let's go ...

Episode 2:

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