Guam, where America's day begins.

in TravelFeed4 years ago (edited)

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Holy crap, how time flies. It seems like only yesterday I was galavanting in Thailand and having a blast blogging about it. Fast forward 5 months...yes...5 months since my last post. Anyways ...

I've since relocated to Guam (from Singapore). The whole month of February was dealing with the move. It was such a pain to move here from Singapore. So I landed in Guam, end of February, weeks before covid-19 hit the island. I'm one of the fortunate ones who is still employed even during the full "lock down." So this is a travel blog right? Yup, I don't know of where else in the world, I can step out of a client's office or walk a couple blocks from my office and see this scenes like this . . .

Quick selfie after a client visit

If you love sand and beaches that are pretty much deserted, Guam is your place!!! Crystal clear waters all around the island! Here's another shot ...

Nice, eh?! The view from my client’s office is even better, but I thought it’d be unprofessional to be taking selfies there, lol.

So just what the heck am I doing here? Well, I'm an IT Consultant for a well established company here. What about my photography? Glad you asked ...

I also work for a studio in the same building as my IT office, slick eh?!

Other than studio stuff, we also do photobooths!

Here's my corner office. Ooops I mean my space in the corner of the office. I do most of my work here even pre lockdown.

I haven’t fully unpacked yet when I took this

So not much travel pics in this post, I haven't gotten out to take any yet. Some advice about Guam, if you're a beer fan. The Guam beer ISN'T made in Guam. It's brewed and bottled in Monroe, WI, USA. Yeah, I felt ripped off. Oh, imo it doesn't taste that great either.

Some travel tips. I can also advise you that in Guam, you can experience earthquakes and typhoons, if that's your thing. Guam's population is around 260k and about 1/2 of those people are US Military (there's a naval and airforce base here). The economy is almost totally reliant on tourism, mainly from Japan and Korea so it really sucks here right now (with no tourism flights coming in) unless you like being the only one on the tourist strip, literally. Cost of living is a bit high but not as bad as Hawaii. Everything is shipped in here so a bit more expensive than mainland USA. We do have a 24hour KMart here as well as most of the big fast food franchises.

That's it for now, I'll be back with better Guam travel posts, I promise. Oh, in case you're wondering, I LOVE GUAM!!!!

Thanks for viewing and best wishes!
All the photos (unless other noted in the post) were taken by me and available for sale if you're interested in buying an image or three, haha. Please don't hesitate to contact me for more details.

Consider following me for updates to find not only my other (usually travel bloopers, blunders and shenanigans but also photography related news/reviews and the occasional contest entry. I might even post a rant or two when I just can't help myself, haha.

PS. If you want to check out my other 'works', you can find them here:

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