Trip to Markušovce

in TravelFeed4 years ago

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I visited the village of Markušovce in Spiš twice as a tourist. It is located near the district town of Spišská Nová Ves, where I live. This village literally breathes history. Its dominants is the Markušovský chateau, which is located in the center of the village.

Markušovce chateau

This yellow romantic castle caught my eye at first sight. I think it will captivate anyone who sees it for the first time. This two-storey building has a sumptuous impression. Not everything is as it seems. The owners did not have enough funds to complete the second floor and thus created an illusion. From the outside, they built in false shutters behind which there is no window, and from the inside, this floor serves as a porch.

We enter the castle grounds through the castle gate. Part of this place is another important historic building. It's the Dardanelles Summer Palace. It is currently open to the public and we can look at keyboard instruments in it.


The castle park also includes old farm buildings. They would need reconstruction.

Old farm buildings

On the other hand, for me as a history lover and photographer, they have their charm. They breathe history.

We leave the area and climb a small hill next door. On the hill is a church and the ruins of a castle that protected its masters in case of danger.

Ruins of castle

Only the perimeter walls of the castle have been preserved, and as it is privately owned, the entrance gate is closed to the public.

Ruins of castle

The church, which is located next to the castle, is richly decorated from the inside. Nobles, noble lords and owners of the manor are buried in it and in the cemetery next door.




We end the tour of the village and go to see an interesting rock formation resembling a mushroom. It is located near the village and there is a tourist path around it. The rock mushroom is hidden among the trees as if hiding.

Stone mushroom

Stone mushroom

From the backpack we choose something good to eat and we enjoy the silence and a nice view among the trees to the surrounding countryside.

Thank you

Place: Markušovce Slovakia 🇸🇰
Camera: Canon 6d Mark ii, Olympus

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