in TravelFeed4 years ago (edited)


Life is a very long journey, in which we face many obstacles .. But what makes us stand up to it is our strong belief that tomorrow is a better day.

My life here in Indonesia has faced many difficulties on the level of my personal life and the difficulty in obtaining money from my family in Gaza to complete my studies, and on the level of my social life and my relationship with others.

Every day that passes, I feel that I am spending it with great difficulty.. I feel nostalgic for my country (Palestine) and for my city, Gaza. I feel a great longing for my family and friends of my childhood.. and everything has to do with my country.

Here I loved nature and loved the people around me, but sometimes I feel helpless because I am not able to understand everything that is said to me .. Language is still a barrier in front of me until now.

Also, I was able to make some friends ... but soon I will finish my studies and it will become very, very difficult to leave ...


The thing that makes it difficult to leave is that I found love here .. I found the person which I can say "he is my soulmate".

Miss you all my friends



@nourtawfiq being in your position is difficult. away from country, family, friends. I hope you will soon give up your longing for all of this.🤲🤲

Thank you so much for your prayers

Wonderful to hear from you @nourtawfiq! Your timing coincided nicely with me moving some powered down STEEM from my account to an exchange. Many of the old gang can be found on, now, and may miss your posting here on STEEM as would have been the case with me but for my funds transfer.

Thank you so much brother for you info
miss all friends here

I agree with your description. make life like a long journey, so that we always prepare the best for life. @nourtawfiq

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