in TravelFeed4 years ago

Again i have bring another favorite local vegetable from Uganda.
This is the among of the major local sauce which more people in our country base on and basically targeted for those who don't have or afford to buy meat. So the main thing they is to eat this local sauce because it's cheap and doesn't consume more to put in it.
Pumpkin leaves is very popular in our country and every where you can find every place you step in Uganda.
How to prepare this pumpkin leaves so the extent that you can enjoy it.
Step 1
Get seeds for pumpkin fruit make it dry it at least for week after dug small holes around anthill. Why anthill, because anthill, pumpkin is the aground plant which need support while it reaches time to climb to produce pumpkin. So after preparing those small holes now bring your seeds now in each hole you're supposed to put two seeds.
the next step after three days the seeds will start germinating and in few days like one week you start enjoying the local leaves on it as your seeing in this photo below.
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So pumpkin is the plant which enables you to eat double both leaves as sauce and pumpkin as food and is good for health. And is irreplaceable have you seen that in Uganda you can spend little so long as your used on this vegetables
I think this one everyone know it and at least everyone have tested this sauce not so, if not then your lucky to know about it today. Dodo is having more types but today i have decided to talk this one in the photo below. Dodo is a green vegetable which as short life cycle than others in a week and half am sure you can start enjoying my friend. Then this one is easy to grow just bring your seeds of dodo and sow it on your selected land where you have selected to plant it. But before if you have some manure i will guide you to add to get a good dodo from it.
After 2 or 3 days you will start seeing seeds start germinating and in 6 days you can start enjoying your dodo and this leaves for dodo is irreplaceable and the next week again you enjoy it. Have you seen that in Uganda you can spend little so long as your used on this vegetables

God bless you.

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