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RE: TravelFeed 3.0, Independence And Cross-Posting

in TravelFeed4 years ago

Let me clarify some things for you.

1.: Our business target is bloggers and travel writers from all over the world, most of them are not even involved in blockchain, nor they want; their main objective is to post their content on every option they have (i.e FB, Twitter, Hive, Steem, TravelFeed, Wordpress page, YouTube), that's how content creation works.

2.: TravelFeed users are TravelFeed users, we are not encouraging them to post on Steem nor on Hive, it's up to them to decide; new TravelFeed users' accounts are not linked to Steem/Hive, they are free to sign-up to the blockchains at their own will and following their own risk/judgement. It's also their own choice to cross-post on Steem/Hive, we are not forcing them.

As it is, at best it is negligent to continue offering Steem as a choice to your users and at worst it is a straight up fraudulent. There is no possible way that you can in good conscience recommend users to use steem. You couldn't recommend someone to invest in it, you couldn't recommend someone to hold funds in a steem wallet.

Again, where have you concluded that we are recommending users to invest on Steem?


don´t react on this guy he is blind of rage and whatever, he´s not willing to hear, not willing to learn, so let him do what he likes to but better ignore him, hes got more such discussions in the last days.
Guess the way you describe for travelfeed 3.0 is a very good idea to stay out of all that hutzle, we got lots of very good writers an photographers so let them do their work and still support them with the new platform that´s more than enough what you can do for them. Don´t fight the war´s of others.

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