Zhongshan. Part 3. Fish farm. Fry.

in TravelFeed4 years ago

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The fish on the farm are cool, of course. With different colors. There are red and black, there are tricolors, red-white-black, there are orange. It is clear that in order to breed the desired and different colors for fish, their selection is needed.
So they are bred - taken out - crossed.
The most fascinating were the fry. Hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of fry that have just hatched from eggs. What you see now in the photo is countless fry against a background of white material in one of the pools.

As I wrote in the previous post, I discovered them quite by accident, went to the side of the rear shed, just to see why there are no aquariums, and what is there, it seemed from afar that some outbuildings, some buckets, pots and other utility utensils.

But it turned out that there are pools with fry. There are several of them, apparently, in each pool - fry of their own color.
It seemed to me at first that it was some kind of rags soaked for washing. That is, a bathtub, some kind of mesh or white material lies in it, the sun shines, and there is nothing else. There is no running water in these baths; on the contrary, there is stagnant water, which in some places starts to turn green a little ...

I don't know why I came closer, maybe I wanted to examine something, or look at my reflection in the water ...
It was then that I saw that there were thousands of tiny, barely noticeable fry in this water.
And in the next bathroom, and in the next ...
In the video, at the bottom of the post, you can see better, I shot it close to show that these are really fry.
Because if you just take pictures or shoot a video, you will not see anything, just a bath with water and a piece of rag.

And in one of the baths a huge fish was swimming and, next to it, four smaller fish ...
I realized that selection is taking place in this bath. :)))

t seems to me, or is this huge fish a female, and already with caviar?
As far as I remember, the female must throw the eggs into the water, and the males must also throw the milk into the water, and then they can be taken from the bath, and the eggs will live there, and then the fry will appear.
I don't remember exactly how the process takes place. :)))
But I understand that the female and the males are swimming in this bath.

Here's another bath with fry. There are millions of them !!! And there are also tadpoles .... :)))

I think that eggs and fry need heated standing water in the bathroom, which heats up in the sun, is slightly covered with green mud, and it is warm and comfortable there.

And some videos. There are more videos on my channel, you can watch if interested.

And in this video - selection: female and males.

And finally, look at what big fish there are.

To be continued....

All photos and videos are copyright. 

Read the first parts about our trip to Zhongshan here:

Zhongshan. Part 1. About our trip.
Zhongshan. Part 2. Fish farm.

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