"Sky Corridor" in Huangteng Gorge.

in TravelFeed4 years ago

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When thinking about what you want to write about, each person probably has their own needs.
Someone wants to write nasty things in the comments.
Someone wants to write thanks and show beauty.
We have a lot less of the latter than the former, unfortunately.
But, as a rule, the reading of some negative articles, thoughts, comments always cause me a desire to write about something good and show something beautiful.
About what someone saw in their imagination and embodied in reality.
Those who have been reading my magazines for a long time know that I periodically show something beautiful, as a rule, something that is being created in China, probably because I have been living in China in recent years, and I am interested, of course, what is being built and how. in China.

Today I want to show you one of the latest wonders and beauties. A very original observation deck.
It was named "Heavenly (Sky) Corridor", and it was built in Huangteng Gorge in 2019, in Guangdong province, where we live.
More precisely, it is a glass bridge, which ends with an observation deck, and the site also has a waterfall, and all this with music.

And, of course, in the evenings, when it gets dark, all this beauty glows and shimmers with different lights.
The Chinese know how to do so that you want to watch and watch. Grandiose pompous structures that always delight the eye of tourists and leave an impression.

The bridge is located at an altitude of 500 meters. As you might imagine, this is roughly the height of a 166-story skyscraper.
Its length is 368 meters, as I have already said, a glass bridge, or rather, its floor, through which you can see what is under your feet, and green under your feet.

At the end of the bridge, in the circumference of the bridge, there is a waterfall that has 450 water nozzles and a dozen pumps that pump tons of water every day.
The design is impressive, of course.

There are several videos on the Internet showing the bridge. :)))

I will put one video for you here:

Nice, isn't it?

And in the comments to my previous post about Thailand in my other block, there were stormy comments about whether anyone really needs tourists, and whether it is necessary to adapt to them at all...
Judging by how many people live, tourists are not needed.

And I believe that this kind of beauty is needed in the world, but it is being built only for tourists.

Therefore, tourists are also needed for any country.

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