Square in front of the Kanazawa Castle. Black eagles, children flying kites and a heart-shaped tree.

in TravelFeed4 years ago

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There is a huge grassy square in front of the Kanazawa castle. When we got there, children were running carefree and flying kites. For several minutes I watched how much fun they had from this game. Unfortunately, I did not manage to capture this moment and the wonderful Japanese kites, because the kids and their teachers gathered quickly, apparently I came to the end of their trip.


We passed this tree on the way. It reminds me a bit of cotton candy on a stick arranged in the shape of a heart. The heart effect is enhanced by the color of the leaves, which turned red in autumn.


When we saw that many people were sitting on the grass, we also decided to spend some time in this way. We lay down on it and relaxed looking at the sky for a long time. Sometimes I like to observe clouds that have various shapes, sometimes reminiscent of something I know from real life. It relaxes me a lot.



After some time, I noticed that dragonflies were flying next to us. One of them sat down near me. First on the grass, then on my bag. It had an unusual red color. Before, I only knew blue-green dragonfly species.



Near us there were many groups of Japanese students dressed in traditional uniforms and yellow hats, and their teachers. Most of them had a small picnic on the grass. I think it is much nicer to have a lunch in such natural surroundings than at school walls. I remember that in elementary school we also had a lot of area in front of the school. Most often we went out there when it was warm - on breaks or in PE lessons. The memory of sandwiches eaten on a blanket on the grass came back. Although Japanese students had an additional attraction - a view of the wonderful Kanazawa Castle.



Another attraction of this place were black eagles flying over our heads. They soared with large, wide wings. They were flying proudly, sometimes very high, and sometimes low enough that I could capture them in the picture. However, it wasn't until I reached the height of the castle that I was able to capture one of the black eagles - up close, when he was resting on one of the trees.




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