Park in Kanazawa and colorful Japanese Koi carps

in TravelFeed4 years ago

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In this post I will write about a small park that I passed through on the way to the castle in Kanazawa. A small, but still beautiful, well-kept, which captivated me with its appearance. Just before entering it, I liked the trees, whose trunks were surrounded by shortly trimmed grass and evenly laid stones. It was all very clean. It looks interesting with a tree with bent branches and yellow leaves.


There is a public restroom just outside the park entrance. It has a very pleasant appearance, it is built in a traditional style. I wasn't inside, but my favor was that such a place can be designed in a nice way, with wooden elements, in bright colors

One of the few monuments in the park. A silver swan soaring into flight. It looked great in the sunshine.


Going further you could admire the surrounding nature. A lot of bushes have been trimmed in Japanese style, that is, traditional balls.



I liked this trunk, with a huge hole in the middle and smaller ones in other places creating interesting shapes. I am happy when such non-perfect trees are not cut down.


However, I liked this palm with fan-shaped leaves the most. It resembles palm trees, which are sometimes grown in our country, in apartments, but this one was huge, spreading, grew proudly and took up a lot of space.


It was wonderful to be able to look at it closely.




At one point I saw a huge yellow and green spider with huge black and yellow legs next to one of the trees. I am not a fan of arachnids, and I am not afraid of them terribly, but I felt uncomfortable seeing this creature so close to me. I didn't know if it was dangerous or not. Such spiders can be found in many Japanese parks.


Near the park, I noticed a pond with colorful Koi carps swimming. They had different colors - orange-white, red-navy-white, black and even yellow, reminiscent of gold.


Cool Fact

Ornamental carp farming started in Niigata prefecture in Japan at the beginning of the 19th century. As a result of breeding selection, at least 120 varieties were obtained, differing in color, size, gloss, arrangement of spots and scales.

Źródło: Wikipedia



Red-navy-white carp had nicely distributed spots. As if a painter had painted them on their bodies to create a beautiful composition.


When I stood near the water, wanting to take a nice close-up photo of them happened what happened in other parks. Carps swam, like our ducks, and demanded food. Unfortunately, I didn't know what to feed them and I didn't have any goodies that I would consider appropriate to throw them to eat.




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