Night tour of the Buddhist Shinobazunoike Bentendo Temple in Tokyo

in TravelFeed4 years ago (edited)

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Visiting tourist attractions at night has its undoubted charm, especially when they are mystical places such as temples. In Japan, many temples can also be visited in the evening and at night. There is not always open access inside, but the outside - the building itself and the surroundings are usually beautifully illuminated and it creates an amazing atmosphere.


The Shinobazunoike Bentendo Temple is surrounded by ponds and is located near Tokyo's famous Ueno Park. It is a Buddhist temple dedicated to the goddess Benzaiten, which in Indian tradition is considered a symbol of longevity, happiness and prosperity. However, according to Japanese beliefs, Benzaiten is seen as the goddess of music and entertainment.




The temple building is very colorful, kept in three main colors - orange, green and white. Attention is drawn to the octagonal tower and characteristic roofs rising up.



I really enjoyed visiting the temple, each element in its own way was interesting and different compared to Catholic churches. An atmosphere of mystery was added by the mist rising from the incense and their characteristic, intense smell.



I saw so many lighted lanterns for the first time. They are very popular in Japan, before I met them mainly at restaurants, but there were several, and here dozens. They also created an amazing atmosphere.



Before the entrance to the temple there is a statue of the Japanese god Ugaijin. He is the god of fertility and wealth. He is often depicted in the company of snakes, here - in the body of a snake and with the head of an old bearded man.




I always have a great impression in Buddhist temples with the Ema plaques. Each temple has its own unique shape of such plaques and a pattern reflected on the back. Buddhist worshippers write prayers or wishes on them.


In Bentendo, some tablets were lute-shaped, and a lute sculpture was set up in front of the temple. The popularity of this instrument is due to the fact that it often accompanies the image of the goddess Benzaiten. On statues, she often holds a lute called biwa.


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