Welcome to the hidden paradise on the southern shores of Africa

in TravelFeed3 years ago

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It’s mid summer now on the south coast of Africa so the setting is just awesome for outdoor hiking and exploring the rugged and rocky shoreline or swimming at the soft sandy white beaches that stretch as far as the eye can see. As a result I’ve been out in nature almost daily for hours on end. What a pure and natural way to spend the most valuable asset in the world – our time.

Epic landscape inspiring the viewer with its awesome power
Epic landscape inspiring the viewer with its awesome power

Money is able to free us to have more time. It’s not the primary treasure of the planet, merely a means to an end and that end is more free time to do as we wish. Freedom is the highest quality of life, and money allows us to acquire that. Since I have enough money to feel free to do as I wish every day of the year, I simply use my luxury of free time to engage in beneficial healthy activity, like hiking and swimming in the sea under the sun, surrounded by pure fresh air. This is the perfection of life.

one in a million space seldom seen by others all to yourself
one in a million space seldom seen by others all to yourself

The surroundings in which you find yourself allow you to set the scene of your own life, and it helps if you can locate yourself in an environment which is life-affirming and conducive to good mental and physical health, as well as upliftment of consciousness. The south coast of Africa, where I was born, has done that for me my entire life, and so I continue to bask in it and also share this abundant treasure with you.

A paddle ski that I found lying here on the remote rocky shoreline
A paddle ski that I found lying here on the remote rocky shoreline

I want to share my good fortune with the world. Whomever you are and wherever you may be, if you have access to a lifestyle like mine, then you are truly blessed. If not then you now know where to find it – right here on the southernmost shores of Africa. That said, one’s state of consciousness is a matter of perspective, yet by situating yourself in the surroundings that are conducive to an uplifted state of consciousness, one can facilitate a better mindset. By living in a place surrounded by healthy natural surroundings, it becomes easier to feel healthy in body and mind.

Perfect place for a refreshing dip at your leisure
Perfect place for a refreshing dip at your leisure 

You are the master of your own destiny and the world is your oyster. If you find yourself in a less than ideal place on the planet, then move to a better environment. Leave the dirty city or oppressive social dynamic if it drags you down and limits your freedom of expression. You are not obliged to suffer there for no reason. My homeland here on the south coast of Africa is open to visitors and also home to plenty of immigrants from first world Europe who have chosen a healthier lifestyle by moving here.

Multiple baths for those who can reach them
Multiple baths for those who can reach them

Freedom and fresh air await you. The climate is just idyllic all year long and the social setting is less restrictive than that of the first world. I recommend this coastal resort as the most perfect place on the planet. If you know of any other such place then please let me know. I’m always keen to add to my understanding of life on earth. I’m sure there are equally idyllic spots in South America or the Caribbean, for example, where every day feels like a holiday, with glorious climate and minimal government oppression.

Indigenous fynbos flora create an ecstatic scene
Indigenous fynbos flora create an ecstatic scene

Such places are harder to find nowadays in our fragile world. One concern of course might be crime, since there are sometimes poor, lazy or greedy opportunists around but if you reduce the bling and choose your path wisely, and perhaps get a dog, you will find that crime is just a distant rumor. So check out the travel options and jump on that flight to freedom here in paradise on the south Cape coast of Africa. Why should I be swimming in paradise all to myself. I want the rest of the world to share in my bliss too. The opportunity awaits you. Paradise is just a step away.

Powerful pillars of paradise
Powerful pillars of paradise 

(photos my own)

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