Bumping into a burnt orange bay on the south coast of Africa

in TravelFeed2 years ago

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Besides the bright blue of the sky and dark blue of the sea, the most common colors of this particular landscape on the south coast of Africa, are olive green and ochre. The vegetation is dark green and the rock features are an earthy orange of some sort. Today’s discovery took that ochre impression to the next level. It felt like I had stumbled into the brightest orange landscape that I can imagine on a seaside shoreline. Stumbling upon the bright orange rocks of this little bay brought a blissful mood to the experienceStumbling upon the bright orange rocks of this little bay brought a blissful mood to the experience

The hiking trail is so attractive on this particular part of the shoreline, in this region called the Garden Route, on the south coast of Africa. Here you can see just how nature decided to bring out the splashes of color for the canvas of life. It certainly adds to the sunny mood created by these surroundings. The warm, attractive burnt ochre rock color is possibly from the mineral content, although sometimes it’s from lichen that grows on top of the rock surface. It just depends on the conditions.

This rock possibly would make a fine pigment for some cave paintingsThis rock possibly would make a fine pigment for some cave paintings

I’m no expert, but the overall impression is amazingly inspiring and uplifting, and the contrast against the blue surroundings of the sea and sky really make for a festive atmosphere. We could call this bliss bay. The rocks may be rough and rugged but their shades of saffron are really warming to behold. I just love this particular combination of aquamarine juxtaposed against burnt ochre.

One of my favorite meditation caves, where I spent many hours over the years...with its own tractor tire washed up presumably a long time agoOne of my favorite meditation caves, where I spent many hours over the years...with its own tractor tire washed up presumably a long time ago

The rest of the time these same boulders, that are part of the African continental shelf as it meets the Indian ocean, are rather dull and a drab sort of brown, sometimes grey. For some reason this particular stretch of coast on today’s remote hike is much more colorful than usual.

A zen meditation cave for a yogi - you might need to bring a matA zen meditation cave for a yogi - you might need to bring a mat

The one constant – as anyone who has looked at all my photos over the past years of describing my hikes will notice – is that all of them are empty of people. Perhaps only a handful had people in them because these regions which I explore are completely deserted 99% of the time.

Here the bright ochre pigment is particularly noticeable on the cliff slope. And you can see why so few people come here - it’s difficult to accessHere the bright ochre pigment is particularly noticeable on the cliff slope. And you can see why so few people come here - it's difficult to access

At best I may venture onto a more popular tourist beach on occasion, but even then the long thin stretch of soft sandy shore is 99% empty of people. It seems rather surreal, now that I look at it from your point of view, but in reality my existence as a digital nomad and wondering outdoor hiker and explorer, is a solitary one in a solitary place. And what a pleasure. I have the privilege of not only time, but also space at my disposal for these outdoor adventures on which I take myself.

Here the ochre color of the rock has been temporarily covered over by dried sea foam that washes up during rougher swellsHere the ochre color of the rock has been temporarily covered over by dried sea foam that washes up during rougher swells

It’s not for everyone of course, but these hiking trails along the shoreline of Plettenberg Bay, and the surrounding Garden Route holiday region, are truly awesome, majestic and magnificent, all in one. And I know this because I have spent perhaps 10 000 hours exploring them. This is a life of luxury and it’s free. Time is free, we all have a lifetime of it. Earth is free to roam, or used to be. Within our own regions we can easily find some beautiful piece of nature to explore, generally speaking. If you can’t, then I recommend traveling, to a place like this one in today’s photos.

A clearer contrast between the bright ochre rock surface and the duller rock surface where the foam washed up recentlyA clearer contrast between the bright ochre rock surface and the duller rock surface where the foam washed up recently

Here on the south Cape coast of Africa, there is space as far as the eye can see, and not another person whatsoever. At least from this perspective. South Africa is really big and empty I presume. Well, today’s discovery of this bright burnt orange bay of bliss was really sweet, and salty of course. The fresh sea air and healthy negative ions in the atmosphere are just the most valuable source of inspiration.

Awesome ochre pigment - or is it lichen covering the pale rock? Perhaps someone can explainAwesome ochre pigment - or is it lichen covering the pale rock? Perhaps someone can explain 

And there is so much of it here, all free. I am like an explorer who has stumbled across the dragon’s lair, and found his or her stash of gold. What a hoard. There is so much that I could never even carry it all. Still, I try to capture some of it in this blog post to share with you right now.

Beautifully inspiring rich ochre colors on the seaside rock surface of this particular bayBeautifully inspiring rich ochre colors on the seaside rock surface of this particular bay

Fortunately the bright ochre rock formations capture really well in photograph on such a clear sunny day with this blue backdrop. I’m sure some geologists could add some insight into the reason for such a blissful shade of orange in this little bay and not in others. I simply look in wonder and admire the intense color, adding it to the collection of potentialities on the canvas of life.

A perfect place to brighten up your lifeA perfect place to brighten up your life

If you ever feel too blue from lack of bright sunny days and colors, then be inspired to make your way to this orange bay to lift your mood and spirits. Or have some orange butternut soup – that may do the trick too. Either way, I highly recommend searching out the Garden Route and it’s awesome seaside hiking trails here on the southernmost shores of Africa. It’s just what the doctor ordered.

Beautiful rich shades of rock coloration brought to life by the sea water in these poolsBeautiful rich shades of rock coloration brought to life by the sea water in these pools

(photos my own)

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