Returning to the Magical Soria: the Toba waterfall

in TravelFeed3 years ago

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Water, stone and moss: a magical recreation
Water, stone and moss: a magical recreation

There is a Spanish writer, as idolized as he is reviled for his high-sounding comments, who, originally from the Highlands of Soria, was the author of a different history of Spain, the 'magical' or ancestral one, which is possibly little or nothing known worldwide, but he affirms it with his quixotic look and I am convinced of it, that he refuses to die.

To the left of the stream, the unrecognizable remains of a medieval female convent
To the left of the stream, the unrecognizable remains of a medieval female convent

The author, to be more exact, is none other than Fernando Sánchez Dragó and the reference work - essential - such as that of Rafael Alarcón Herrera or that of Juan García Atienza - for all those who want to enter the most beautiful and mysterious corners of this the old bull skin, which is Spain, is entitled 'Gárgoris y Habidis, its beginnings being located in those times in which the demigod Hercules, punished for having murdered his own children in a fit of madness, performed here several of the twelve tests or works to which he was punished, among them, the theft of the oxen of Gerión and the golden apples of the Hesperides.

Even with modern collectors that break the charm, the waters form beautiful pools
Even with modern collectors that break the charm, the waters form beautiful pools

I will not say, because it would be untrue, that any of these tests were carried out here, on the edge of this singular Frentes Peak, a dozen kilometers from the capital Soria and that, like the neighboring Valonsadero mountain, it has always been considered a sacred place in the collective memory of the Celtiberian peoples and their descendants.

Sunbeams in the water suggest the versatility of nymphs
Sunbeams in the water suggest the versatility of nymphs

In fact, as proof of that ancient sacredness and as a preventive measure to silence the old cults, four miserable stones of what in medieval times was a feminine monastery, whose Presence came to exorcise, in some way, this place where once popular traditions placed the survival of beings to whom even the Reverend Kirk dedicated a book to which he entitled 'The Secret Community'.

Toba waterfall
Toba waterfall

That is to say, in this small environment, increasingly threatened by the unstoppable advances of progress, to the point that several luxury developments have been built a few meters away, a whole range of fantastic beings survived, until relatively modern times, such as the mythical Diana, the Nymphs and another large number of elemental beings, who saw, in this small but wonderful waterfall, one of those privileged places in Nature, where they could unleash their immortal wanderings.

Or also, Diana’s baths
Or also, Diana's baths

Adventures, which on the other hand, adventures that in the past became those fantastic tales, that grandparents told their grandchildren on cold winter nights, in front of the warm company of the hearths at home.

A mirror loaded with mysteries
A mirror loaded with mysteries

This genuine waterfall, which rises from the top of the intricate cliffs of the aforementioned Frente’s Peak, usually has a fairly extensive flow, especially in spring, fed by the thaws of the harsh Soria winters and has always been the privileged place for bathing. for many generations of Sorians, inhabitants of the neighboring town of Fuentetoba.

Clear water
Clear water

And although it is not the first time that I talk about it, it is good, on occasions, to take a new tour of these magical corners and make sure that they still continue to exist and surprise with their beauty and remarkable magnetism.

Part of the ancient forest
Part of the ancient forest

NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs are my exclusive intellectual property and therefore are subject to my Copyright.

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He leído que a los lugares donde fuimos felices, siempre regresamos!! Me encantan esos sitios de los que nunca nos cansamos de hablar y volver, que nos dan siempre algo nuevo que decir, y si no es algo nuevo, pues es algo tan maravilloso que vale la pena repetirlo. Por esos lugares Un buen abrazo, mi duende mágico!!! ;)

Ahora que lo mencionas, pues sí, estoy convencido de que hay lugares de los que se parte teniendo siempre en mente la intención de regresar. Este es uno de ellos. Fue muy grato volver a esos caminos y poder disfrutar una vez más de este y otros lugares que siempre dejan huella. Un fuerte abrazo.

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