Travel to Saigon Day 1 : Photos and Story

in TravelFeed3 years ago

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Travel to Saigon Day 1 : Photos and Story

Hello travelers and friends.

I hope your days are progressing and moving forward with zest and vigor that makes your face smile. Yesterday I headed out for a 4 day 3 night trips to Saigon in the south of Vietnam.

This would be second time in the city, the first was last December when I performed with an African circus. That trip while fun, was also more about work and I did not get to explore the city. This trip, I am traveling with 2 other people, my friend Eric and Gabby.

The goal is to blog about this adventure and share the journey with you, my friends from around the globe. I hope these updates find you well and will inspire you as well, to get up, get out and do some adventuring on your own as well! If it does, PLEASE give me a tag and let me know. I would love to see where in the world you go a as wel. :)

The Adventure Begins.

I wake up around 5:30 or 6 am most days, some times earler, some times later.. today, it was about 6 am, so I took a picture, and went out for a run along the beach and did my daily training.


About an Hour later I was back home, and made the breakfast to of champs! Coffee with Sura Dura (Coconut Milk) and some oats! YUM. I did a few hours of work on the computer typing up articles for D.Buzz @dbuzz.


Then it was on to pack. As this was a short trip to a large city, the amount of things I needed to pack was limited.

My packing list was

  • 3 Tshits
  • 2 dress shirts
  • 4 undergarments
  • 3 juggling balls
  • 1 first aid kit (*Always take one!)
  • laptop and mouse and power adaptor!
  • Hat and sunglasses
  • Money, Passport and belly bag for them.
  • Face masks


I headed out at 12:45 to meet my friends and head to the airport!


We did not end up taking the bikes, but a cab to the airport. A small set back with the names on the tickets delayed us, but soon we were on the tram heading to the flight!


We were taking Pacific Air, which works with Vietnam Airlines. The cost of the round trip ticket was 1,500,00 VND.. or like $64.00 USD. Not bad and quite affortable.


The flight was ... standard.. a few moments of internal dread thinking the flight was going to fall apart... but for the most part the 1.5 hour flight was ok. I took a few pictures and messed about with them.


Like this one too... HAHAHAHAH


We laded and hailed a cab that zipped us to District 1, and the Hotel that we would be staying at. Driving around the city was nice... the buildings, the people, the streets all alive an feeling like it was ready to be explored.


On the way to the Hotel, I spied these street cats as well, 2 sexy white cats living on top the roof here... I wounder what their names would be... but nice. They sorta look like the security camera too, perhaps they are the living embodyment of a security camera?


I got to the room and put the feet up for a moment, befor linkingback up with Gabby and Eric for some drinks and a family dinner!


After an hour rest, we hit the streets for adventure.


Hailing a cab, we traveled across town again to meet Eric's Aunt and Uncle. Also, his grand parents. So nice. His Aunt cooked us an AMAZING vegetarian dinner, and I think I may have eaten too much with them. Lol


The noodles as well, OMG.. the Noodles... I could have gotten way to fat on these... We ate a lot.. like a LOT!


After fattening our bellies back up, it was time to head back to the Hotel, freshen up a bit more, then head out. If you want the dream hotel, here is its location. Lol, ask for room 202, its the crazey room. HAHAHAHAH.


Our first stop was Madam Kew, second floor speak easy with live jazz and good drinks. The feeling was moody and neat, like a hidden gem that we just discovered.


Mystrious Steps lead us to the location.


It was a little strange that you sorta... enter next to the singer, but, so cool. Great music and funkey vibes.


While my friends made fun of me, I did just enjoy a cup of Mint Tea... they called me old.. but like, Hey, Tea.. its good.


We left after the music ended and hit the street again. It was about 11:10 pm.


Getting back into a cab, we headed to another location that was even more hidden... called Climb bar, it was 4 floors up, in a small almost unmakred door, walking in you could get lost tring to find your way up!


Excuse the poor photo, but you walk for about 10 min down halls like this, and around bends...


You even have to enter a hidden wall door, that if you were not sharp, you would miss and end up lost in this building.


This dim lit bar, hidden on the top of a non discript building was worth the adventure to find it. They made many unique drinks, many with flames.


My first drink was a Nergoni and it was nice. I would still like to have had Mint Tea, but my friends urged me to live a little. Lol.


Again, excuse the poor photo, I blame the light... but flaming drinks were had.


The bar was rather empty but for us, the 2 bartendors, the wife of the owner and this guy Nic.


Finally, about 1:38 am, we stumbled form the Climb and headed back down the maze to the street below.


We stoped off for a late night vegitairan food at a late night location.


After this it was time for bed. Think I passed out around 2:30 AM... it was a long day, but a lot of fun and good memories were made.

I hope you enjoyed reading about day 1. For this post I am trying out a new format, like a play by ply for my days, depending on how its received, I may do more like this.

What are your thought? Do you like this style of writing or would you like more posts broken up to each location?

Ether way, thank you for taking the time to read, and I hope you enjoyed this post at... least a little. Lol.

Thank you and much love~




Travel Photos:@RoamingSparrow



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