The Adventure you will Have Outweighs the Fear you may Have in Doing the Action.

in TravelFeed3 years ago

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The Adventure you will Have Outweighs the Fear you may Have in Doing the Action.

Travel is about adventure, but adventure can be laced with fear... lets talk about this.

Do you believe in yourself?

Sometimes we can be so caught up in the world around us that we forget to take time to believe in ourselves. We need to believe in ourselves at all costs.

I always think that the adventure one will have outweighs the fear one may have in doing the action. If you believe in yourself, you are more likely to try to do something that might intimidate you.

  • So, Do you believe in yourself?

If you don’t, you won’t.

To ramble on more about this... Fear is the thing that holds us back. Fear is the thing that keeps us from doing anything. Fear is the thing that tells us that we can't.

  • Fear is the thing that tells us that we can't because it's too hard.
  • Fear is the thing that tells us that we can't because it's not worth it.
  • Fear is the thing that tells us that we can't because we don't have the time.
  • Fear is the thing that tells us that we can't because we don't have the money.
  • Fear is the thing that tells us that we can't because it's too risky.
  • Fear is the thing that tells us that we can't because it's too unpredictable.

But remember fear is a liar.


Living life in the gray space between the what ifs and the "I can'ts"... ...
I'm not sure if you've noticed, but life is pretty darn scary.

But here's the thing. The adventure you will have in doing the thing you're fearful of will... be so much more worth it than the fear of not doing it.
You'll never know the adventure of what could be until you do the thing you're fearful of doing.

I'm going to say it again.

The adventure you will have in doing the thing you're fearful of will be so much more worth it than the fear of not doing it. You'll never know the adventure of what could be until you do the thing you're fearful of.


Perspective is everything.

You might be sitting there thinking, "I want to do that, but I'm scared."
I will tell you, that's okay.

But I want you to look at this from a different perspective.

  • I want you to think of the adventure that you will have when you do that thing.
  • I want you to think about what it will feel like when you're on the other side of the fear.
  • I want you to know that the temporary discomfort of doing something you're scared of is nothing compared to the adventure you will have afterward.

Yes, this post is a bit different from my other posts, but I wanted to take a moment and ramble on about this, as, life is short... and its about getting out their and not letting that small voice dictate what you should and should not do.

I hope that this article does inspire someone to go take action, to get up, and to do the thing that they are fearful of so they can move foward!

Thank you for reading.

Much love




Travel Photos:@RoamingSparrow



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