Rickshaw ride Down to Pune, Walk Around and Back : Part 1

in TravelFeed2 years ago

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Rickshaw ride Down to Pune, Walk Around and Back :
Part 1

Hello Friends.

Wow, India, I'm not sure who came up with the idea of riding in a Rickshaw, but they are CRAZY! If you've never been in one, let me tell you, it's like being on a bucking bronco. You hang on for dear life as the driver takes you on a wild ride through the streets. It's definitely an adventure, and not for the faint of heart.

That being said, Rickety old rickshaws are a common site on the streets of many developing countries. While often used for transportation, these vehicles can also provide a fun and unique way to explore a city. Rickshaw rides typically cost less than taxi fares, and they provide a more up-close and personal view of the city than larger vehicles. So, if you're looking for an affordable and unique way to experience a new city, be sure to ride in a rickshaw!

That being said, that is what I did the other day. The Yoga studio I am staying at said I have the day free, so, I will go do something fun. Riding in one of these Rickshaws was on my list of fun things, so I took a 45-minute ride from the yoga center, to downtown Pune.

I got dropped off here :

Shaniwar Wada

Location : Shaniwar Peth, Pune, Maharashtra 411030
Google Map Link : https://goo.gl/maps/vFUyWwamup4f15YG9

I will get to that fort in a moment and why am I mad at it... but first the ride.

This was my first ride in a rickshaw. It was fun as it was unnerving. No seat belts, just a few mettle bars, bikes and cars weaving in and out of each other like a wicker basket... The photo below is rather tame to what transpired.

However, at a stop, I made eye contact with a kid in a rickshaw next to me, We locked eyes for a second, He knew I was not from India, and smiled through his mask, so I pulled down my mask and showed my mustache. He laughed and waved when they drove off… That picked up my mood, 100%.

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Most of the rest of the ride was zipping down small streets and a hairs distance from danger, but the driver was cool as ice... so I had to be cool and just trust him.


So, Lets talk about Shaniwar Wada

Located in the heart of the city of Pune, just south of the Mula Mutha River, is the Shaniwar Wada. This magnificent palace was built in 1736 by the Peshwa Bajirao I as his official residence. Within the palace walls are marvelous courtyards, grand staircases, and beautiful gardens. The Shaniwar Wada is now a popular tourist destination, and visitors can enjoy exploring its many wonders.

That is what I wanted to go see. However, I also believe in fairness and when something is not fair, I get mad.

The cost for Indian people was $25 Rupee. It is very affordable and nice. The cost for any other national is 300 Rupee!!!! You know, I don't mind paying 300, that is about $4 US, I would pay perhaps 500, that is fine. However, I did not go in, the mark-up for tourists is fraking HUGE. WHY? Sure sure, if everyone had to pay that, NP, or if the mark-up was to 100, again, sure not a problem... but to mark up from 25 to 300??? That is just a disgusting price gauge to me. Again, I would pay 500 if that was the rate, NP… Just the mark-up of that amount cause where I am from, from a stance of principal, I said no, and left.

It's like, what if a museum in the States, charged a different price if you were from the US or another place? You would not pay that inflated rate, so, any ways... that just pisses me off someing wicked.

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Without going in, I did take some photos from the outside of the fort.


I could be wrong about this, but I believe the fort is named after the Hindu god Shani, who is believed to have been worshiped by the Peshwas of the Maratha Empire.


The front door was EPIC, about 2 feet of wood with massive spikes on the mid-section, I think that was to keep elephants from ramping the doors open? Do you know? Ehter way, I am sure Amazon delivery would have a hard time leaving a package here.

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I was also told later on, that the inside is ... So-so and I did not miss that much, that put my mind at ease.

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Still, It does look so darn cool from the outside. Hahahah, OH sense of right and wrong, why do you slap me.


The buildings of Pune where I was, it was a mix of old and new. Some buildings have the charm of the past, why the street in front races to the future.


At various intersections you will see statues of military leaders, or generals. I was also told a fact that, India never invaded another country. Wow, that's sorta cool.


Each street seemed to tell a story of life that happened here.


This I think is "Lumière" older brother. (* Lumière is the candelabra from Beauty and the Beast).


This Mix of old and new, sorta just living together to me is waht India is, a collection of the past with the modern growing over it.


Like the stories that played out in those buildings, the arguments they witnessed, the Chai Tea that was drunk on the porch, the love that was made inside, who knows... so many stories if only we had the ears to hear them.


The shops were filled with brass bells for calling to pray, and other icons of worship. It added to the sorta unworldly feeling of the streets.

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Sometimes, I find it hard to grasp, the number of people who live on earth, and just how many humans are here, living each day, doing what they do... it's all mind blogging.


Looking at this photo now, it does not capture the feeling of this home the right way. Out front, an old Indian woman was sitting in a colored dress, while trees grew over the old home and a setting sun. Dam, I need a better camera.

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I did again, got a bit lost on the streets, wandering around with no goal but to see, smell, feel and be at the moment, in India.

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I think the summary of this post is, that, when travelling, it's important to venture off the beaten path to find new and unique experiences. By opening your mind and being open to new possibilities, you'll be able to explore more of the world and have richer, more meaningful travel experiences.

Thanks for joining me, and kick but in what you do.





Travel Photos:@RoamingSparrow
Photo Repository:Roamingsparrow.SmugMug.com


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