Greece and Protests, My Experiences

in TravelFeed3 years ago

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Greece and Protests, My Experiences

Hi Friends,

Greece is a beautiful country with a rich history and culture. But beneath the beauty is unrest and protests. The people of Greece have been struggling financially for many years, and they've had to deal with a lot of austerity measures. This has led to a lot of protests and violence. The people of Greece are a proud people, and they will continue to fight for their rights.

In this post today, I will talk a little about the protests and my perspective on it. Please keep in mind, I am an outside and do not know all the facts, this is just from my conversations with people and research.

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Why do people protest in the streets?

Why do people take to the streets to demonstrate their anger and frustration? What is the purpose of such demonstrations? Is it to express a unified voice, to get new ideas or policies adopted, or is it just to make noise?

There are a number of potential outcomes of public demonstrations. The most obvious outcome is that the demonstration will result in the change that the protesters are asking for. This could be a change in policy, a change in the government, or a change in the way a certain issue is handled. Another outcome could be that the protest will result in violence. This could lead to people getting hurt or even killed. A third outcome could be that the protest will simply be ignored by the people in power. This could mean that the protesters will not get what they want, and they may feel disillusioned or discouraged. No matter what the outcome is, it’s important that protesters remain peaceful and constructive.

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Since being in Greece, Athens and now Thessaloniki, I have seen more protests than 10 years of living in Atlanta, GA. Almost every day, people take to the streets here and protest.

It's not uncommon to see demonstrations that start out with hundreds of people.

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What's going on?

Greece and the EU have always had a tentative relationship. Ever since Greece joined the EU in 1981, their economy has been in a state of flux. The EU has tried to help Greece with their financial problems, but the results have been mixed. Greece has received bailout money from the EU, but they have also had to agree to austerity measures, which have hurt their economy. There is still a lot of tension between Greece and the EU, and it's unclear what the future holds for their relationship.

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People take to the streets because they feel weak. They feel like they have been left behind and that something is wrong with the system. They feel like a meaningful connection to the community is being lost and that their voice doesn't count.

Yesterday I was out walking to get the 10K step count in for the day, and not one, or 2, but 3 different protest marches were taking place at the same time.

The first was against the war (I think, perhaps just anti NATO and War), the second was for students and college issues, and the last was for Woman's day. They all marched down the same streets and snaked their way through downtown Thessaloniki, Between the first protest group and the second, there was a larger gap, but they all had mega phones, and shouted protest chants in Greek.

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I chose not to join the protest because I did not understand the Greek chants and I did not want to support a topic I did not understand. I believe in peaceful protesting, and I think that it's important to join together to make our voices heard. However, I did not feel like I could join in these particular protest because I didn't have a clear understanding of what it was about. I think it's important to be respectful of the protesters and to try to learn as much as we can about the issues they're protesting.

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From my conversations with locals, the Greek people feel like they have been forgotten by the EU. Their economy is struggling, and they have a lot to complain about. The recent protests in Athens show the frustration that the Greek people are feeling. The EU needs to do more to help the Greek people, who are struggling to make ends meet.

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The police are still present in the area, just a few streets away. However, they are allowing marches and protests to take place. It seems as though they are waiting for something to happen, or for the protest to die down. They are ready to step in if needed.

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I have taken part in a few protests in the USA, and while I may not agree with everything that is being said, I do understand the message that is being conveyed. It seems a lot more intense when you don't know what they are saying, but that's part of the point. The goal is to get your attention and to make you listen. Protests are a way for people to come together and to have their voices heard.

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In addition, there is a big community of anarchists in Greece. I haven't had a chance to talk with them yet, but I'm really looking forward to it. I'm interested in learning more about their views and what they believe in. I think it's important to have a dialogue with people who have different opinions than you, and I'm curious to learn more about the anarchist community in Greece.

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The world is in hard times now. There are a lot of things to be upset about. The economy is in shambles, the environment is being destroyed, and people are suffering all over the world. Maybe we can inspire change by protesting. Protests are a way for the people to let their voices be heard. The government and the media may not always listen, but at least we're trying. We need to come together and fight for the things we believe in. We need to stand up for what's right.

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Thank you for joining me today for this post. Have you ever participated in a protest before? What do you think? I believe that it's important to make our voices heard, and to stand up for what we believe in. It's essential to take a stand and to be heard. Peaceful protests are a great way to do that.

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In summary, Greece is a beautiful country with a rich history and culture. It's a popular tourist destination, and for good reason. Despite the protests and economic turmoil, I still recommend that you visit Greece. Just be smart about how you travel, and you will be okay. The people of Greece are incredibly hospitable, and they will do everything they can to make sure you have a great time.

Cheers, and thanks for reading.




Travel Photos:@RoamingSparrow


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