Exciting adventure into Walmart - Torrington, CT, USA

in TravelFeed3 years ago

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Exciting adventure into Walmart - Torrington, CT, USA

Hello Travel Friends.

In this article I'm going to tell you a story of my exciting adventure in to Walmart. I bought many things, such as 1 pack of pens, but I turned it into a mind-blowing adventure. I was captivated and interested in what I had gotten myself into. Let me show you the somewhat, sarcastic adventure ahead...

You've probably never thought of vacationing at Walmart before. However, this is actually the best place to vacation. Walmart has the most delightful amenities and their service is a blast. You've never experienced a vacation like this before.

The folks at Torrington in CT are very lucky to have such a main attraction for the town. I believe the official name is Walmart. It is an enormous place, filled with everything you could ever want. If you are visiting and want to see the sights of Torrington, I would highly suggest this place. There are lots of different things inside, and, disclaimer, some people might have a different experience than I did.

Let's Dive in to this adventure.

Location : Walmart, 970 Torringford St, Torrington, CT 06790
Google Map link : https://goo.gl/maps/bW5Fx27xDjbAGZx3A

I heard that there was a Walmart in Torrington, but nobody could confirm its existence. I had to go and see for myself. The road that we traveled on was indeed deserted, except for the cars and people... and void of any signs or billboards. It seemed that the residents of the town were perplexed by the fact that they had a Walmart in their town, or that I was asking about it.

After some driving, we arrived and the shop was snow covered and cold on the outside. However, my adventure spirit was burning.


How was the gateway to Walmart made? What were the techniques used to build the gateway? What was the purpose of the gateway? Remember that video game that you used to play as a kid? Well, it was made in the image of the gateway to Walmart. The colors inspired the color scheme of the game. The graphics on the wall were based off of the building's design. So, why am I telling you all this? Well, I'll explain that in my next paragraph.


Walmart is like a video game, but with only the goal to shop. You can't really say that a typical visit to Walmart is a lot of fun. It's more of an excursion that you make in order to collect items needed to complete quests. But what are these quests? Well, I think that is different for each player.


Walmart is like a video game, endless rows and rows of things are set out for you to walk through. You can go straight or left, but why go straight when you can go to the right? Of course, there are things to find everywhere, but where do you start? Who knows.. I just sorta wandered in looking a bit lost.


While I was walking through Walmart, and I stumbled across one of those fancy Subway shops for tourists, it was balanced nicely with the blue of the shop and the modern "Big-Box" shop design. Its dropped ceiling with florescent lights, brought a feeling of sterile and corporate cubicle to the shopping experience. I did not get a sandwich this time, but will mark it on my map for later explorations!


Do you believe that the past is a heritage and set of ideas, the present is an outcome of the past and the future is a work in progress? Well, maybe it is true. Looking at the rows of things, I am left wondering about what will come next, and what came before to bring us to this point.


Look around you at all the goods surrounding you. All the products available to choose from. Now look one more time. You've noticed that I'm right. There are almost too many choices in today's markets, and Walmart is leading the market. It feels like another world at some times to be walking in this place.


As I walked the Walmart, I was nearly blinded by the glare of the shiny linoleum floors. It was like a river that many treads, but few to none took note of, but the janitor.


Coming to the end of the Walmart trip so time to check out... Well, you're standing in line at the check-out counter, but an old man is standing between you and your goal. He doesn't seem too happy to be there, can't find his wallet, then young man behind the counter is smiling (I think), with mellow sounds of shopping rustling over head. It was the quintessential check - out experience at Walmart.

Save money... live better, its almost true.


It was our turn at the checkout. While processing the payments, I had time to look around, to take in the breathtaking vista that was a stack of carts, and what looked like an abandoned checkout line. I had to wonder what costumes and ceremonies they hold here when they are in full swing. I was told their biggest festival is called "Black Friday", and is held the day after Thanksgiving.



It was time to bid farewell to the Torrington Walmart. On the way out, the natives erected a nice note, letting you know that this is where you should exit, and thanking you for obeying. It was simple, but spoke a clear message.


I was sad to step back out into the snow - filled world, to leave the warm maze of products that I... that I had just started to feel at home in.

Lost among the products, walking on the high - polished floors, big screen TVs and blenders as far as the eye could see. Ah, Torrington Walmart... forever will this memory stay with me, forever I will hold these moments.

Dearist reader, if you are in Torrington, CT and longing for a true modern America experience, I would say get a cab over and spend an afternoon walking the rows at Walmart.


Thank you for reading this article today. I hope that you have enjoyed this stint into the unknowns of Walmart, grammar and semantics. Perhaps you can now see that how something is perceived has much to do with what you choose to look for.

Sure, this article is a bit of a satire, and in some ways, pokes fun at travel articles. I hope it does not offend. :D

Thank you and Cheers!




Travel Photos:@RoamingSparrow
Photo Repository:Roamingsparrow.SmugMug.com


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