I visited a place with a thousand colors - Palinuro Italy

Hi everybody!

I would like to share with you one of my most beautiful travels. I went to visit a small village in Italy. Palinuro, it is quite famous for its caves. They are decorated with beautiful stalagmites, unfortunately I did not have time to visit them. I had a great desire, but above all I came to work as a waiter. I met an interesting man, who offered me to visit those caves by boat. The caves were located on the sea, so you could go around them by boat. It tempted me even more, but I was striving for the goal of making money. I had a nice time, it was one of my better vacations.


Like I said, I went to work. And it was a wonderful experience for me, I worked as a waiter. I gained a lot of experience, met a lot of people, and relaxed in the social world.



The beach I visited is beautiful. It had a beautiful breathtaking landscape. The waves crashing against the rocks, while the golden sand with the pearly blue sea around them is a sight that made me alive.



Of course, when I was already on the beach, as every "kid" it was my instinct to play with sand, that brought me back to my childhood, when I went to the sea with my parents, played with a bucket and a rake, when I made various towers and dug holes in the middle of the beach. The most interesting thing for me was digging holes, because I was expecting to come across water at any moment.



At this point I had left only my mark on this beach. I made the sand smile :D


I had to bring something to remember to remind me forever of this wonderful experience. The most beautiful memory that can be taken from the beach is a shell, I found one that is interesting and difficult to find. It wasn’t easy to get to it, I love diving, so I found it while I was enjoying what I was doing.


This view took my breath away. Rocks can be seen through the water, which attracted me more and more to go diving and look at the rocks from a different perspective. The most exciting thing about diving is that I felt like I was flying, it relaxed me from work, I felt like the sea was hugging me and carrying me.


Although I worked, I didn't have that feeling, because the view provided by the restaurant where I worked was unique. Every time I looked out the window I saw the sun touching the sea.


There is one ship that sails the sea, it transported tourists and they cruised the sea with it. It would stop on the shore and the adventurous tourists will jump off it.

I really hope to visit Palinuro again but this time as a turist and spend more time to know and discover more amazing places that it offers.

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