Hiking in the Belgium Ardennes part 2 "Les Haute Fagnes" nature reserve

in TravelFeed4 years ago

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The last time i was here it was raining for more then 24 hours. Luckily i took a nice walk before the storm came (see part 1). After spending 2 day's in the urbex scene, exploring old hospitals and abandoned steal factory near Luik my friend decided to go home, i decided to stay and go back to the Haute Fagnes and try to find myself a nice hiking trail. The weather was much beter than a couple of weeks ago and it wasn't more then one hour drive.

Spa Francorchamps!

On route i passed by the town of Spa, famous of its racing track and the Belgium F1 grand prix. The track is build in the middel of the forest and the surroundings are beautiful.  Also there is a nature reserve where you can hike from, Fagne de Malchamps. At the parking of the nature reserve you have a little museum about the nature and wildlife around there. Also they show you something about the water! The in the Netherlands world famous spring water Spa is from this area. They have a good parking and there are three different hikes you can do from here. I took the 5K hike. Parts of this track is of the famous long distance walk GR5 trail a 2100K hike from the Netherlands to Southern France. 

Part of the trail is this wooden walkway!
Part of the trail is this wooden walkway!

Bel memorial.

Inside the park there is i little memorial! Its for the 7 crew members of the Lancaster ME 581 that got lost during the night of April 22-23, 1944. It was shot down by a German night fighter while returning from a bombing mission in Düsseldorf. The plane crashed in this area. The entire crew was killed in the crash. The men rest at the Heverlee military cemetery.

Bel memorial of the crew of the Lancaster ME 581 bomber!
Bel memorial of the crew of the Lancaster ME 581 bomber!

The look out!

Almost at the end of this trail the have a lookout tower. Many people walk from the car park to here with there children so it can be Buzzy! Its just 24 meters high but its on the highest point of the trail so you have a very nice 360view over te whole nature park. i forgot to count the steps so if you go here, let me know :)

The tower.
The tower.
The trail visible from the tower!
The trail visible from the tower!

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