How will travel look moving forward?

in TravelFeed4 years ago (edited)

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The last few months have been crazy with the rapid acceleration of the pandemic, and much of the world coming to a hault - many borders are closed off, meaning no travelers. Although these severe restrictions wont last forever, they will have a massive impact on travel numbers and also how people travel. I think that until we have a vaccine for Covid-19 travel will be restricted throughout many different countries. Some countries might be able to move back to normality for periods of time, and then back into isolation again.

Traditional windmill in the Netherlands

This will mean for the next 1 - 2 years we will expect ALOT less travelers. People have been stuck all over the world and struggled to get home, and I am sure will be anxious about taking off again without a vaccine or the pandemic under control. In New Zealand our prime minister has talked about strict border measures being the ´new normal´, and hinting that our borders may be closed for some time. I suspect that many other countries will be the same - afraid that new infections might be bought into the country.

Traditional house in Germany

When there is a massive reduction in tourist numbers, the industries that will get hit the hardest are ones that rely on tourists - tourism and hospitality. With no tourists many of these companies will (or already have) gone out of business. So when life does get back to some form of normality there will be lots less tourist activities - things such as adventure tourism and anything that requires guided tours. Tourism is a massive industry in New Zealand, and our economy is really going to take a massive hit from this pandemic! Sadly, restaurants will feel the full strain of this aswell, and many will close. Eating local foods is one of the joys of traveling, along with hunting down the best coffee in town! Coming out the other end of this will be a nice time to travel, as numbers will be much lower than recently. We went to Venice last year and could barely move in some of the most popular spots!

Coffee in Prague!

It will be an interesting few months ahead thats for sure! I am ready for the long haul and not expecting anything near normality for atleast 6 months. I am glad we got our travel done recently! We finished up in Europe late last year, just a few months before this all started to unfold. My heart goes out to all the people around the world suffering from this awful virus.

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