Down the street I followed the sun

in TravelFeed4 years ago (edited)

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Ipatiev Monastery at sunset

Soon it's mid-summer. This is a great time when it is warm and bright. Long warm days and wonderful evenings. On such evenings, it’s good to sit next to the samovar on the veranda of the house and watch light spots of moths curl next to the burning lamps in the approaching darkness.

It’s also nice to walk around the city, go somewhere to the river, where the sun is hiding in the west. I have such a place. This is our famous Ipatiev Monastery.

Evening and setting sun. Even from the city center along the road, the setting sun shone in my eyes. Hiding behind the shadows of trees and houses, I watched the cars leave the yellow veil of the sun's disk and burn with bright points of headlights.

I walked along Ostrovsky Street. Previously, this street was called Mshanskaya. Apparently, this name comes from the word moss. Citizens walked at the mouth of the Kostroma River and collected moss there. From this Russian word, a consonant street name was formed.

Most likely, this street is generally one of the very first streets in the city. In the territory on which now part of the street is located there was first the Kostroma Kremlin.

It was a wooden structure with a picket fence and wooden towers. The Kremlin stood on the banks of the small river Sula, which still flows somewhere underground.

I think in the future to talk about this street and about historical sites on the modern Ostrovsky street. And there is something to tell.

In the meantime, I finally arrived at the place of my walk. This is the embankment of the Kostroma river. I stand on the right bank and look at the monastery. To my right is a bridge across the river.

The sunset dominates all this view. The sun has already set beyond the horizon and only a bright trail of the sun is visible. The sky is very beautiful. The transition from blue to yellow-red.

Serenity and silence.

At the same time, the street is still quite light. The ancient walls of the monastery are visible in all details.

And in the foreground is the water of the river. Smooth and calm.

Now construction is underway on this shore. Soon this wasteland, to which I came very often and photographed the Ipatiev Monastery, will turn into some kind of modern hotel. It is difficult to say for sure whether it will be good or bad. On the one hand, we will lose the familiar view of the monastery, which will be blocked by a new building. On the other hand, if the architect was talented enough and at the same time respects our history, he will succeed in making sure that nothing is lost and is only improved.

In the meantime, before you photos of the evening Ipatiev Monastery.

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i love so much your photos keep going

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